Chapter 6

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Dedicated to I_knew_it_XD

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Dedicated to I_knew_it_XD. Your comments make my day!

I still remember the first time I met him. That's the day he took an oath to make my life hell.


I am immediately greeted by the sound of clicking heels as we enter the house.

"You are late again Jason." A woman in her late forties comes into view who I assume is Mrs Kingsley. She is wearing a long magenta dress, with a pearl necklace and stilettos. What a greeting.

Jase stands stiffly against my side and says nothing. I am obliged to do the same, but I am just a stranger and that would seem rude.

"Hello ma'am. I am Alyssa. Hope you don't mind me being here."

"Oh dear. I am sorry I didn't notice you. I do remember Jason saying that he'll bring his friend." She turns to me giving me a fake bright smile.

"I just want to finish dinner and get out of here. Hurry up Mother. I am busy too." Rude much?

"Oh right. I forgot my son doesn't like my presence." She lets out a bitter laugh. "Come on then" she escorts us through a hallway into the dining room. It feels like there are a lot of secrets behind these closed doors.


Mrs Kingsley, Me, Jase and Jessica, a family friend are the only ones seated on the dining table. After some introductions, inside jokes (which were so out of my reach), and some servings(half of which names I've never heard in my life); we are currently waiting for Jase's twin brother, Mase.

He is the only person from his family that Jase likes. And is also the person he is trying to set up with. Idiot.

"Mother. I am sorry I got held up." A masculine voice breaks me out of my stupor.

Holy moly! He's looks exactly like my bestfriend. But hot. Definitely hot. And slightly more expensive judging by his appearance, giving the intimidating vibe. A dark mirror.

"It's alright. I am sure it was something important" Mrs Kingsley says waving her perfectly manicured hand. Wait that's partialty, isn't it? I can clearly see who's the favourite among the two.

As he turns his head to look at his brother, I notice another difference. His eyes are a ocean blue, whereas Jase's eyes are a stormy grey.

"Didn't expect to see you in a family dinner brother." He says in a taunting tone as if to provoke him. If this is his favourite brother, then I don't want to know what the others are like.

"Sup bro? Hello to you too." Jase replies in a casual tone. I see a small smile playing in his lips.

That makes the other Salvatore, oops sorry, the other Kingsley smile back. That's when he finally notices me. God! Sometimes I feel so nonexistent.

If you expected him to give me a pleasant welcome, you are extremely wrong.

A disapproving look crosses his face as looks at me. "This is the friend you were talking about? Out of all the people in the world, you choose this girl. I expected your university's standards to be atleast better than that" he says waving a hand towards me. Wait what? Who shoved a stick up his arse?

"Excuse me Mr Mason but I don't think you know me. I don't know if this what the customs of this family is, but we in our family don't treat guests like that. You are nobody to judge me like that, no matter what your bank balance is or what family you belong to."

"Customs? You have the nerve to talk about my family's customs? And bank balance? You are only friends with my brother because of his money. I know a gold digger when I see one."

Why the heck did I come here again? Right. To support my bestfriend. And what the is my dear friend doing now? Shaking his head and looking at the person in front of me with disbelief and anger.

"What the fuck Mase! Al is not a gold digger. I wanted to go through one dinner without these complications. One single freaking dinner. I am out. Don't even try to call me next time." He says with gritted teeth and a venomous glare to his brother. This escalated real quick.

"Whoa whoa guys continue with your dinner or whatever the hell this is. I am the one who isn't needed here. You carry on." This is actually what I believe in. I don't want to cause troubles in anyone's life. What if this was some important meeting?

"Oh no. No no no. Please wait dear. He didn't mean that. Right Mase?" She looks up at her son with hopeful eyes.

"No. I did mean that. She is no one. It doesn't matter if she leaves." Uh-huh. I don't think anybody has disliked me at the first meeting before. Most people just ignore me.

"I don't get what your problem is is. Maybe I am extremely dumb or maybe you are just being unreasonable. Please enlighten me on why you hate me so much." I cross my arms and look at him with a daring gaze. I won't let him insult me like that. I just won't.

"Exactly. I hate you. I love my brother and I won't let a disgrace like you to ruin his life." Ruin. Wow.

Jessica lets out a chuckle at that. She has been so quiet all this time, I completly forgot about her.

"I totally agree with you. Janet is so kind. I wouldn't have let her enter the house if I were you Janet" Jessica says in an extremely high-pitched tone making me cringe. I can't with this people. What is her problem again?

"Okay. This is it. I am sorry to have disturbed you. I'll just head out."

"I am coming. I regret ever bringing you here. Good going Jessica. I've noticed your interests haven't changed." Ooh burn. She blushed a deep red at that.

I should've just gone to college. I am getting a headache listening to this rich people problems. I grab my purse and try to walk out the room, Jase beside me.

Just as we were about to move out of the door, a voice calls from behind. "Nice pendant my brother gave you." If I didn't know better, I would say he's obsessed.

"He didn't." I snap back at him.

"As if you can buy that." Mr Stick up his ass says rolling his eyes.

"I don't have time to argue with you. Believe in what you want to. And I never have and won't ever use Jase for money. Hope this gets through your thick skull."

"We'll see about that. I-"

"Enough! I finally get him to come to a family dinner and you ruined that too." Mrs Kingsley walks away with tears in her eyes. I feel so guilty right now. Shit.

"You made her cry. Never ever step foot in this house again or I'll make your life hell." You can't imagine how true this statement turned out to be.

Hello people! Sorry for the late update. My laptop died as I was just about to finish writing the chapter and I was too lazy to write it again. Have a happy read!
Lots of love.

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