Chapter 9

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Do you ever want to just run away from your life? Don't know about you but I definitely do. To run away to an oblivion. With just my music and a sweet collection of books. And maybe a dog.

Well now, the rest sounds like a faraway dream, but I can at least get myself a dog, right? And that's exactly what I'm trying to do right now. For the past two hours. But to no avail. I mean how am I supposed to choose one from all these adorable munchkins? My heart wants to take all of them home, but my purse doesn't seem to agree. And there's no way I'm spending his money.

Miss Martha has been patient enough to show me each puppy along with the name of their species and their place of origin. "Alyssa dear, if you don't mind, I'd like you to meet a special case. She's my personal favorite. I don't know why but it feels like you'll be the right choice for her."

"Of course, ma'am. Why would I mind even? Unless of course she's too expensive for me." It sucks you know. When a living thing is judged on the basis of their price tag. But I guess, that's how the world works nowadays.

"You wouldn't have to care about that honey." Giving me a kind smile, the elder woman leads me to a thin corridor that I didn't notice till now. Upon reaching the end of the passage, my eyes widen in amazement.

I'd say a whole ass doggo planet sits right in front of me. All of them looking at the unknown visitor with their innocent, adorable eyes. But nothing's perfect in this world. As I move forward a few steps, I notice that almost all of them are sickly thin and diseased. Some don't have a leg, whereas some are blinded. Some look as if they're too old to survive a day.

"What happened to them, Miss M? And why are they kept in a hidden place?'' My eyes swell up with raw emotion at the condition of this place. What seemed magical from afar, is a well-hidden sad reality of the animal life at closer look.

"Discarded by their owners when they got old. Met with road accidents. Street dogs brought in to the shelter and kept here when the expenses are too high. Unwanted. Unloved." With teary eyes, she continues, "No one wants to take them home. They don't belong to any special breed you see. And those who do, are dying. I was hoping you'll not be like one of those people. Would you take care of my Tilly?''

Speechless, the only thing that managed to come out of my mouth was "Tilly?'' And that was enough I suppose. I found my special munchkin, you see.

"Come 'ere."   And that's how I met her. My lovely Tilly. My baby Tilly. Small doe-like, well in this case, dog-like eyes (sorry for the terrible pun) stared back at me. The weak, undernourished gem connected to my heart in ways no one could. And I knew that she's the one. 


Coming back home, what surprises me is that Mase is casually sitting in drawing room scrolling on his phone. Even on holidays, he's never home. And that too alone? Oh hell no.

"Where were you? I have been waiting." Mase says in a soft tone. Wait. Soft tone? Am I dreaming?

"I was at--" just as I was about to say...

"Bark! Bark!" Tilly announces her presence craning her neck from my lap.

That's when he takes notice of the small bundle in my arms. With a raised brow, he asks in a not so kind tone " You bought a dog? You could've asked me." As if.

"I don't need your permission to do anything. Moreover, she's staying in my room. So you don't have to care about that." I don't want him to spoil my mood today.

"I didn't say you have to ask my permission. I just wanted to know how you took such a decision without me knowing."

"Well you didn't ask me when you brought different girls to your room either." Leaving him tongue-tied, I quietly exit the living hall, with Tills in my arms. I don't have time to argue with him now. I have yet to decorate my room for my girl's arrival.

Yo! Surprised, eh? Looks like my earlier rant on taking a hiatus was just like a banner saying " I don't owe you bitch. I may update anyday and you can't say shit." Sorry, that was evil. Anygays, hope you like the chapter. It's more like a filler really, but it is what it is. Tilly was a much awaited character I was waiting to introduce to yall. On that note, bubye for now. Vote. Comment. Share if you want to.

Lots of love,

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