Chapter 15

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~The most painful goodbyes

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~The most painful goodbyes

Are the ones that are

Never Said,

and Never Explained. ~



As I step foot into the canteen, I see that the whole area is empty. Not a single living being in the standing, except maybe some house bugs. Yay life!

The eerie silence nagged my nerves, yet I couldn't bring myself to think that they forgot.

There's a new table in the canteen today. Wrapped in an intricately crafted aubergine cloth, it is triple the size of any other in the room.

I can tell it's a new addition, because I know each and every bit of this canteen by memory. I worked here last year. And Madam Drisselle makes sure you don't get even a teensy tiny amount of rest. Going back and forth between the forty-seven counters isn't something you can forget easily, innit?

As move closer to it, I notice that there are some smudges on the cloth, that something was kept on the table but hurriedly moved somewhere else. The chairs adjacent to it are too not properly arranged, as if someone was in haste when placing them in.

Putting the tray carefully on the counter, I rush outside.

As I reach the foot of the last step, a thick cloth is placed over my eyes, making me unsee everything around. What the actual—

What kind of an idiot would try to kidnap me like that? Nor am I rich, nor am in fight with anyone, neither am I a celebrity; heck, I'm not even recognized by half the people in this university. That too in broad daylight! S-T-U-P-I-D!

The effects of the chemical slowly kicks in, making my eyes droop, and my shoulders go limp against the capturer. This is not good. This is so not good. I feel myself getting carried in someone's arms, just a moment before completely divulging to darkness.



Coming out of my temporary state of unconsciousness, I groggily rub my eyes to take a clear look of the surroundings.

"You kidnapped me?!"


*Sobs* I'm so sorry for not updating in a while. This part was actually supposed to get published the second day of the previous part being posted, but my lazy ass kept delaying it. I'm so useless ugh.

Anyways, hope you enjoy. Ik this is uber short but I felt like that part would make a great cliffhanger.

Stay safe. Stay well. Lots of Love,


PS: Please correct silly typos and mistakes! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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