Chapter 7

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"My feelings for you remain unchanged. Will you marry me?"

Pride and Prejudice. This is probably the millionth time I have read this amazing classic, but it never gets old. I still get jitters everytime. Drowning myself in books is the only thing keeping me going these days. It's like I am back to point zero.

The sound of high-pitched laughter fills my ears as I plug my earphones out and close my priceless possession.

'The friends' are having a party in the living room. Not wanting to intrude them, I closed the door to my bedroom and just did my regular routine.

If you are wondering, why I don't join them, then stop. No. It's not like I didn't try. I did try to make myself comfortable in these unfamiliar waters, only to find myself constantly getting humiliated for the slightest of things.

Today I was supposed to be in the lush green valleys of Switzerland, enjoying my honeymoon with my husband. Instead, here I am. Yay life!

"Where's that bitch? Masey! Masey Masey Masey! Why didn't you throw her out? You know that I love you. Why not leave her?" Jessica slurs. This is the third time she's said that. Masey? Seriously?

I put my earphones back in to tune her out. The song 'Falling' starts playing in my phone. It's like the universe wants me to cry. I want to pull all my hairs out at this point.

It's not always easy to put on a smile when you're broken inside. But there's no other option for me except for smiling and acting like everything's okay. I know you don't really want to listen to me rant about my sad life but I'll tell you anyway.

The people at my workplace think I am lucky to have been married to such a prestigious family. Only if they knew. Oh only if they noticed the sadness behind my laughs. I guess it doesn't matter, the only thing that matters to them is his good looks and bank account.

Soft knocks interrupt my thoughts. "She didn't mean it. She's too drunk. Don't mind her please. We are sorry Ally." Nic stands near the door blushing terribly. Yeah right. Who are you trying to fool Nic?  When people are drunk, they form the honest thoughts.

He has made this his responsibility to always assure that I don't take her insults to my heart. I don't know why he is friends with them.

"It's okay Nic. I am alright. You don't need to worry. Okay?" I tell him ruffling his hair. I always wanted a brother, you know?

"I--  nevermind. See you later Ally." He waves and lightly closes the door.

Shaking my head, I move out to the balcony. A million stars look back at me through a blanket of clouds in the night sky .

The stars never cease to amaze me. I wonder how many years ago they started their journey, the stars that I am seeing how. Billions of light years old, I wonder how many broken girls have these beautiful eyes seen? How many lives breaking apart? I wish I could reach out to them. I wish. Don't we all.


When I finally see the two cars speeding out the main gate, I close the binds and walk inside. Maybe I should just order something. I am too tired to cook anything now.

"Have a nice day ma'am." As much as I want to laugh at his face, I stop myself.  I just give him a rating based on the quality of the food judging by previous orders. Bidding him goodbye, I bring the food in.

"You wanted some?" I ask Mase as I watch him eyeing the empty boxes.

"No. I already ate. You didn't have to order, you could have just eaten with us. There was enough food for you." He replies in a gruff tone. Wait. Did I read that right or am I tripping?

"Well, you never asked before. What's so different about today", I ask raising my eyebrows.

"Nothing. Just. Forget it" He storms out. What's wrong with him?

I take the plate to my bedroom. My safe haven. Away from them monsters.

Sometimes I think, I should just run away. But then again, what would that make me? I drown out these thoughts and start eating my meal quietly.


Hey guys! I am back. Belated Happy New Year!!!

I am sorry for the delay. My chapters are not pre-written so they may not be perfect. When I write, the thoughts just flow out and this is how the chapter is formed. Ignore silly typos and grammatical mistakes.

Thanks for being with me. Have a happy read.

Lots of love and best wishes,


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