Chapter 11

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Beep! Beep! The sound of my alarm wakes me up from my deep slumber

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Beep! Beep! The sound of my alarm wakes me up from my deep slumber. Handling Tills is not an easy job you know. She literally drains out all my energy, the playful furball that she is.

As I check the large old-school clock hanging at the middle of the boring white wall of my room, I see that its only 4:30 am. The sweet rays of the just rising sun illuminates the whole room, giving it a golden aura.

It was supposed to ring at 5:30, but looks like I set it a whole hour early. But the damage is already done, I can't go back to sleep now. Getting up from the bed, I stretch my muscles to make myself comfortable. The morning fragrance of the air greets my nostrils as I step out in the balcony. The weather's pleasant today. But in this house, nothing's ever pleasant.

Slipping on my slippers, I enter the bathroom with intentions of freshening myself before going out for my usual morning walk with Tilly.

After doing my morning routine, I take out my tracksuit and comb out my hair, giving it the shape of a bun. By the time I'm finally ready, Tills is already by my side, cheerfully wagging her tail. Aww.

That day I was watching The Secret Life of Pets, and at one time I was actually suspecting if she goes on nighttime rendezvous with her friends. But the other day, when I had to work till late on an assignment, the only thing I saw her doing at night was.... sleeping. Imagine the disappointment.

This also happened to me as a kid you know. After watching the Toy Story movies, I was so moved that I kept watching my dolls all day, with a hope that they'll strip down their wall of pretense and start talking with me. I brought them new clothes, stole cupcakes from the fridge and created different teensy tiny delicacies, in a way to bribe them. But even after many tries when they still didn't start walking and talking like those toys in the movie, I gave up. My poor innocent heart thought I was being lied to by Woody. By Captain Lightyear. That they all betrayed me. And that went on for weeks, my fit, that is. But just as it came, it went away. And I found interest in something else, forgetting completely about that obsession.

Just how simple life was back then, don't you think?

Okay. Coming back to the present now. Just as I was about to walk out the door, a hand grabs my shoulder from the behind, turning me to stand face-to-face to none other than my dear husband. Isn't that just amazing. Ha!

I'm taken aback by the sight of him too wesring a sports attire. Now don't tell me he's gonna ask me to join him. Well, that would be a surprise but you never know what's going on in that head of his. Arsehole.

"Um. You wanted something?" Even if you did, I'm not going to give you anyways. Pfft!

"I'm joining you." He's not even going to ask? Piece of ---

"No. I'm going alone. With Tilly." With that, I turn back and ascend down the steps.

"Wait. I said I'm going with you. And that means I'm going with you." He's commanding tone infuriates me, making me halt in my steps.

"Will you freaking mind your own damn business and let me mind mine?" Seeing that he has already reached my side, I continue.."I already told you I won't meddle in your affairs. Why are you meddling with mine? Moreover won't it hurt your ego, being seen with someone like me?"

He already made it clear that my sight disgusts him. That me being his wife would ruin his reputation. Then why act so weird now?

Instead of responding to my outburst, he rather follows me silently alongside. Hmm. Suspicious.

I excepted him to strike an argument with me, but to my surprise, he just remained unspeaking the whole time of our walk. Maybe it was because of this occurring, that so did Tilly, when she never did before.

The sun has now risen completely, marking the start of a new day.

That toy story incident really did happen with me btw. Kinda embarassing yk. Well anyways, hope you like this one. A new turn of events maybe?

Lots of love,

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