"No way."

The figure approached him, the shape shifting in and out of the light spectrum before finally growing in size. It was massive, hundreds of thousands of millions of years allowing what stood before him to hold such power and grace. He had only heard of legends about this dragon. How it had visited his ancestors in days of old. The creator of the name Lightwood.


Not knowing what else to do, Alec bowed to the ground. His wings folded neatly on his back, tail draped on the ground limply. Omnipotent blinked their all-seeing eyes, a flash of purple winking prominently in them before returning to an endless prism.

"Rise young dragonet."

He did so eagerly. Omni only came to visit dragons of the living world on important occasions. Or so he had been told by his father. Maryse had never been as enthused about the ancient deity, saying that dragons needed to rely on themselves to survive and not the will of a being they hardly understood. He understood both sides of it . . . and yet there was something about seeing Omni now that left him ecstatic. Perhaps it was because some of the greatest dragons in their known history had met Omni, had heeded their words of judgement and truth. In any case he would be attentive now.

"I-I've heard so much about you." Like how Omni could shapeshift into anything and anyone. It was likely that reason as to why the shape took so long to settle in his mind, nothing else to ponder.

"I'm sure."

"Is there something you need me to do? Whatever it is, I'll do it."

And there was that purple light again. It snickered over the bridge of Omnipotent's nose gliding right up to his eyes as he smiled. How strange was it to have a smile send chills down his spine. He hadn't expected this feeling, figuring it was just nerves which had his heart pounding in trepidation.

"Good. That's just what I wanted to hear."

****Jace's POV****

He made sure to catch Clary before she could fall more than a few feet in the drop. His golden wings assured their safe landing, wind rustling as he landed neatly on the stony ground. Beautiful blue colors danced on the stones beneath his feet. Magic was heavy in the air, easy to sense if you had any power inside. So it pleased him greatly when Clary let out a little gasp of her own, sensing it too.

"What is this place? Why does it make me feel so strange?" She asked.

He set her down gently, mindful of how fragile her human figure could be. Her red hair curtained her face, messy from the sudden change in altitude as they plummeted moments before. He raised a curved claw, brushing a strand back tenderly. Clary leaned into his touch, swaying only slightly. When Jace pulled back he let his shoulders raise. Seriousness blanketed his features. The ground here pulsates with energy, vibrations running through to transition from ground to bare skin to the skeleton beyond. And while not all beings believed in souls Jace knew this energy reached even to the metaphysical plane. He shivered as it touched him, Clary practically shaking without really knowing why. The shivers were rattling her small body, like she had the chills. The cave was rather warm, humidity crawling around the edges.

How much stronger was the sensation for her?

He didn't know.

"This is the Cave of Truth, where all secrets are brought to light."

"Wow. That sounds . . ."

"Pretty cool right?" Jace smiled.

"Pretty scary. How does it . . . How does it reveal them?" Clary asked nervously.

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