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"Sherlock I swear if you leave me one more time at a crime scene I'll stop making you tea," John shouted as soon as he threw the door to 221 B open.

The curly haired detective whipped his head around from his regular seat on the black leather chair. "I didn't mean to leave you, and I need you to make me tea!"

John sighed and dragged a calloused hand across his face. After slipping off his coat and shoes, he took a seat on the armchair across from Sherlock. The retired army doctor had finally confessed his feelings for the lean man in front of him and Sherlock had agreed to date. But that was it. Nothing had changed about their relationship besides they could call each other 'boyfriends'. Although John knew Sherlock didn't understand normal human relationships, he couldn't stop the feeling of disappointment and worthlessness that settled in the back of his mind. The high functioning sociopath had never clarified if he shared the feelings and John was too scared to ask in fear of ruining their already tensing friendship. John kept wondering if Sherlock was simply running another experiment with John as the unknowing guinea pig.

"I have to ask you something, Sherlock," John began. The detective brought his gaze to meet John's baby blue eyes. "I knew going into this... relationship that it wouldn't be ordinary. I know that emotions are difficult for you and I don't expect that to change overnight. But," John paused and took a steadying breath. "Do you actually care for me as more than a friend?"

The dark haired man tilted his head to the side as he often does when in thought. "I know that I care about you greatly and would be distraught if something horrible happened to you. When you're with me I feel warmer, even though that isn't possible. When I see you around women, I often feel sick in the pit of my stomach, but when you look at me and smile, I feel elated. From what I have heard and observed, those are the usual emotions felt when in a romantic relationship."

Throughout Sherlock's speech, John felt tears well up in his eyes and he quickly blinked them back. But of course, the detective noticed. "What?" Sherlock asked and moved to kneel in front of his boyfriend with concern clear in his blue-green eyes. "Did I say something wrong?"

John lifted his hand to cup Sherlock's pale cheek. "No, Sherlock," he whispered. "You said just the right thing." The blond man wrapped his arms around the thin detective and held him firmly against his chest. After a few moments, he felt Sherlock's delicate hands rest on his shoulder blades. It only lasted about a minute before Sherlock pulled away.

"John?" He whispered. John hummed in response. Sherlock averted his eyes and licked his lips before asking, "C-can I kiss you?" The doctor huffed a small laugh and held Sherlock's face in both of his hands. When their eyes met, John was in awe of Sherlock's unearthly beauty. He ran a thumb across Sherlock's prominent cheekbones and leaned in closer to the full pink lips he often found himself fantasizing about. Their kiss was brief, but filled with love.

As John pulled back, he took in his boyfriend's beautiful features. His eyes were still closed with long, dark eyelashes fanning out against his pale skin. A beautiful flush had settled on the detective's cheeks, contrasting wonderfully against his perfectly tousled chocolate hair. Sherlock's pouty lips were held slightly apart in shock, and John thought the sight before him was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

Finally, Sherlock's eyes fluttered open. He was met with the sight of his army doctor beaming brightly at him. Sherlock felt his lips pull into a matching smile which only grew when John uttered the words, "I love you."

"I love you, John. I always have." With that Sherlock brought his hand behind John's neck and kissed him once again. They felt the built up love and passion that had been flowing between them since they first met. Sherlock played with the short hairs on the back on John's tanned neck while the doctor slipped his hands under the fabric of Sherlock's button down. John ran his rough but caring hands over the pale expanse of Sherlock's chest and the taller man felt his breath catch in the back of his throat.

Having enough of leaning over to kiss Sherlock who was still kneeling on the floor (not that he didn't like seeing him in that position ;) ) John ran his hands across the detective's back, arse, and thighs before grabbing him firmly and bringing him up to sit on his lap. Sherlock squeaked in surprise and John chuckled at the sound. They continued sharing breaths for who knows how long before they were interrupted by a familiar tred up the stairs.

"Hoo hoo," Mrs. Hudson called. Sherlock shoved himself off of John's lap, remembering they hadn't yet told her they were dating, and fell to the cold hardwood floor with a solid thunk. The flush already on both of their faces deepened three shades being nearly caught snogging each other senseless by their mother figure. The landlady (not housekeeper) trotted into the room with a tray of tea. "Hello boys," she called with a bright smile. However, her grin faltered for a moment when she took in the sense before her. Sherlock haphazardly on the floor, John clenching the armrests of his chair, their faces a deep red, and their lips a matching shade and swollen.

Her grip on the tray loosened and it fell to the floor with a loud crash. Mrs. Hudson's smile grew to an impressive size. "Oh my boys!" She shouted before bustling over and giving each a firm hug and peck on the cheek. John and Sherlock exchanged a look and began chuckling. "I knew it was bound to happen sometime!" Mrs. Hudson continued, rambling on. The couple could hardly understand a word she was saying for she was speaking so fast.

"Um, Mrs. Hudson," John started. "How about I help you clean this up and you go have a cuppa in your flat? I'll meet you down once I'm finished."

"Oh!" She exclaimed loudly. "Yes, I should leave you two to it," the landlady gave them a cheeky wink, causing both men to flush again. John and Sherlock began giggling again once she exited their flat.

"Well that was interesting," Sherlock sighed with a smirk.

"Which part?" John winked with his own lopsided grin.

Sherlock thought for a moment. "All of it. But this," he moved closer to John, encasing him in his arms "was my favorite part," the detective finished and brought his lips to John's for a quick kiss.

"Hmm, yeah that was my favorite part too." With that, John knelt down to pick up the mess of the tray while Sherlock started playing his violin. The doctor finally got all the shards from the teacups picked up and threw them in the trash. He then made his way to the flat downstairs to return the dining tray.

John softly knocked on the door before letting himself in. "Hey, Mrs. Hudson."

She was sitting at the table, taking his advice with a cup of tea. "Thank you dear," the elderly lady smiled fondly at him. He started moving to the door when Mrs. Hudson's voice stopped him. "I won't detain you much longer, but I do expect more details in the future," she teased.

The blond chuckled and nodded his head. "Of course. Well, I'm going to go check on Sherlock," he said with his hand on the door knob.

"Hmm yes I'm sure you will!" She called as he was leaving, causing another blush to appear on his cheeks. As John walked up the steps to his own flat, he realized he couldn't hear the violin anymore. He shrugged to himself, assuming that Sherlock was in one of his ever changing moods. He opened the door to be met by his boyfriend pinning him to the door, crashing their lips together.

"Now that you've given me a taste, I've become addicted," Sherlock muttered against John's mouth, sending shivers down the shorter man's spine. The feeling only escalated when the lean man gently brought his knee up to John's groin, causing a moan to escape from John's mouth before he could catch it. He thought it wasn't that loud, but was quickly proven wrong.

"I told you you'd only be needing one bedroom!" Mrs. Hudson called from downstairs.

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