It's For a Case

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"Sherlock for the last time, I am not going to a gay club with you!"

15 minutes later John was seated beside Sherlock in a cab who had a smug gleam in his eyes. John huffed in annoyance and glanced down at his hands resting in his lap. Of course the jeans his flatmate had forced him to wear were absurdly tight and quite uncomfortable around his crotch. To make matters worse, Sherlock had torn John's fuzzy jumper off before leaving the flat, leaving the doctor in his white undershirt and revealed dog tags. Sherlock's sudden action had caused a rush of blood to a particular area and ever since they left the flat, John had been trying to get the moment out of his mind. It didn't help that Sherlock was less than a meter away from him looking delectable. John shifted on the cheap leather seat of the cab with a groan.

"What's the matter, John?" Sherlock questioned in a teasing tone.

"These bloody trousers are too tight!"

"They look fine to me," the detective murmured with a smirk and turned his head to look out the window. A flush rose to John's neck and ears as he let out an exasperated sigh. With his gaze still fixed on the London traffic, Sherlock began discussing the case. "We have to secure Edmund's location and then stay out of his sight. Sources say that he is a regular at the club around 10 and doesn't leave until the early hours of the morning. We'll probably be there for that whole time, so make sure you don't look like an idiot."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you need to look like you want to be there. If you sit at a table and sulk it will look suspicious," Sherlock said with an eye roll.

"You could have just done this without me."

"Well I needed a date."

John scoffed. "You needed a date? You could have gone alone, people do that all the time!" He ran a hand through his sandy blond hair and met the eyes of the detective.

"On average, about 75% of people going to clubs go with a partner or with a group. Therefore, we would fit in better together," Sherlock simply stated, obviously annoyed by John's complaints. John huffed in annoyance and pouted for the rest of the trip.

After arriving at the club, the men found a corner to stand in with a drink in John's hand. "There he is," Sherlock whispered while nodding inconspicuously at a tall man with ginger hair. John grunted in response and Sherlock rolled his eyes. Ignoring his friend, John took another gulp of his drink and let his eyes wander around the room. The club was very busy tonight and it was easy to lose sight of people in the crowd.

"Ugh, dammit I lost him!" Sherlock growled. The blond drowned his drink and slammed in on the bar next to them, knowing there would probably be some running or quick movement soon.

"Oh I see him, come dance with me John," Sherlock tugged on the blogger's arm and dragged him to the dark dance floor barley illuminated by a few neon lights.

"Wh-what no, no Sherlock! I'm not gonna dance with you!" John frantically whispered.

"We have to otherwise I'll lose track of him!" John just rolled his eyes and sighed deeply, allowing himself to be pulled close to the center of the crowd. There were lots of couples dancing. Some were just swaying to the music while others were getting a bit dirty. John quickly looked away from two men that were grinding eagerly against each other and back to Sherlock's face.

"Come here," the curly haired detective hissed. John bit his lip and blushed but placed his hands hesitant around his long pale neck. Sherlock responded by gently grasping the bond's waist and began to gently rock to the music. John was no dancer. He made a point of avoiding the dance floor and sticking to the bar. But this was clearly Sherlock's area. The lanky man moved his limbs perfectly in time with the music. His hips swayed side to side as he stepped around the floor, bringing John stumbling along with him. Sherlock did this all effortlessly while scanning the group of people for his suspect. Once Edmund caught his eye, Sherlock kept a careful watch over him.

A slow song came on and even more couples flooded the area. Sherlock pulled John closer to him and brought his mouth close to the doctor's ear. "It looks like he's leaving soon with another man he picked up. Unfortunately we can't follow them because one of Edmund's friends is watching us suspiciously."

John nodded and felt his stomach tumble at their close proximity. His tan hands absentmindedly drifted into Sherlock's dark curls and began playing with the ones at the nape of his neck.

"Mmm," Sherlock sighed and momentarily closed his eyes. They snapped open and he brought his sharp gaze to meet John's baby blue eyes. "We'll have to stay here until he leaves, or at least for another hour or so. Otherwise he could catch on."

"Alright," John whispered while continuing to wrap Sherlock's curls around his fingers. The slow song was coming to an end and most of the men surrounding them were snogging each other senseless. John felt terribly out of place. "How about we get some chips or something?"

The detective shrugged. "Sure but we have to finish his song," He stated adamantly. John chuckled and leaned his head a bit closer to Sherlock's chest, almost resting his cheek on the smooth purple silk of the taller man's button down. Some more notes played and the song finally came to an end.

This time John grabbed Sherlock by the wrist and sat him at a table. "I'll be right back," the blond said before turning to grab some food from the bar. While waiting for his return, Sherlock got quite a few interested looks from other men but they quickly backed down after he glared at them. "Here ya go," John handed Sherlock a small basket of chips and plopped his own serving in front of him. The shorter man began hungrily digging into his food and looked up to see Sherlock picking at his. "Sherlock, you have to eat."

"No, I'm fine."

John sighed knowing he would have to bribe his flatmate to touch his snack. "If you eat almost all of your fries I'll dance to three more songs with you." He saw Sherlock perk up and the man hesitantly take a bite out of a chip. John gave him an adoring smile. Slowly Sherlock's pale thin hand came to rest on top of John's hand on the table. In return he got a quizzical look from his friend.

"It's for the case," Sherlock mumbled. If John didn't know him any better he would say Sherlock looked flustered. But John just nodded and flipped his hand over to hold Sherlock's in his. He relished the feeling, knowing he would never get to be with his best friend romantically. In between nibbles of food, Sherlock found himself entranced with the sight of his large pale hand wrapped in John's sturdy one. He finished his chips without realizing it and was rewarded with another smile from John.

"Alright, I'll hold up my end of the deal," John grinned and pulled Sherlock to the dance floor by their intertwined hands. The detective blushed and gently grasped John's hips as the blond draped his arms over Sherlock's shoulders.

John tugged him closer and whispered with a dangerous smirk, "It's for the case." Sherlock bit his lip and fought the downward direction of his blood flow. He definitely didn't want John to notice his interest that way. That's when he decided he would just tell John now. If anything maybe he could play it off as acting for the club.

Sherlock inched down to John's level and pressed a soft kiss on his stubble traced cheek. He pulled back and kept his silver blue eyes to the floor.

John gently tilted Sherlock's chin up and smiled when he saw his beautiful eyes. It was then Sherlock realized they had stopped dancing. His heart almost stopped too when John stood on his toes and placed a firm kiss on the detective's lips.

"That wasn't for the case," John whispered huskily before pulling the back of Sherlock's neck down for another kiss.

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