When Boredom Strikes

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So this one's kinda short, but I was bored and knew Sherlock would be too if he were in my situation. Some hints at a bit of sexy things but no details. I'm a gay girl who literally gags when thinking about a penis in a sexual way so I don't think I'll be writing smut anytime soon. So don't worry if that's not your thing :)


Shots ring out through the flat. I run from the kitchen to snatch the gun from Sherlock's hand. "Dammit Sherlock, you can't keep doing that!"

The detective slumps down to the couch, his blue dressing gown billowing up. "I need a case. It's been 2 weeks."

I sigh and empty the gun of the remaining bullets before shoving it in the waistband of my jeans. There's no use trying to hide it while he's here. "Well I've checked every 5 minutes and there isn't one. And I'm not about to kill someone just so you can solve a case."

"Hmm no it would be much too easy anyway. You're very predictable," Sherlock sighs, shooting an analyzing glare my direction.

I roll my eyes and ignore the insult. "Just find something to do. Don't you have an experiment or something to keep you occupied for a few hours at least." I gesture to the science equipment taking over the kitchen table.

"No, they're too boring. I need more stimulation right now."

"Well how about you get some groceries, we need some more milk," I suggest, knowing the answer. Why do I try anyways?

Sherlock groans. "No."

"A movie?"


"A book?"


"You have to find something to do Sherlock or I might just kill you!"

He scoffs. "You'd be quite incapable of doing that, I assure you."

"Oh really?" I question. I dart across the room to the couch and grab the front of his grey pajama shirt.

"Wow, John. My knees are shaking," He rolls his eyes.

I take a deep breath to restrain myself from yelling at him and his pale blue-green eyes lock with mine. I notice his pupils start to dilate. Wait- why?

I maintain eye contact while pressing my hand against his throat and his breath catches. It's like I'm going to strangle him but I keep the pressure very light. I just need to feel his pulse.

"J-John, what are you doing?" Sherlock's eyes widen and his pupils blow up even more. We are quite close together. I shift to straddle his lap and feel his pulse increase against my fingers and his chest rises and falls rapidly.

I lean down to his ear, his curls tickling my cheek. "Careful, Sherlock," I whisper. "Sentiment." He gasps and bites his lip to catch any more noises.

"I-I don't know what you mean, John," His voice wavers and he avoids eye contact.

"I'm not completely stupid Sherlock. You have taught me a few things." I lower myself so I'm sitting on his lap, and I can feel his erection against my rear. My breath catches but I need to know. "Your pulse, your pupils... your body's reaction." I move the hand resting on his throat to lift his chin. I need to see his beautiful multicolored eyes.

"John!" Sherlock practically moans. I can't take it anymore, the sound ripping through his throat pushed me over the edge. I crash my lips against his and he immediately responds. I feel his want surge through me as our lips collide and melt together. I gently nibble his bottom lip and he lets out a groan. I smile into the kiss and slide my tongue into his mouth. There's no resistance from Sherlock as our tongues intertwine and my hands rake through his luscious dark curls. I've wanted to do that for so long. After a few moments more of passionately kissing, we break apart gasping for breath.

"God, Sherlock," I sigh with my forehead pressed against his.

He huffs a small chuckle. "I'm not bored now."

"I'd bloody hope you weren't after that," I laugh before pressing a soft, brief kiss against his rosy lips. His arms engulf me in a tight hug and I relax in his arms.

"I- I think I love you John," Sherlock whispers into my neck.

A huge smile spreads across my face and I turn to meet his gaze. "I know I love you Sherlock, you brilliant man." He looks close to tears as he brings me back against his chest and gives me a loved filled kiss. I had just begun to grind my hips against his when a ping sounds through the flat. I almost didn't hear it over his whimpers.

I reluctantly pull my cell from my back jean pocket and see a text from Greg. I sigh in disappointment. "There's a case. Greg says it's an eight." I shift to move from Sherlock's lap, anticipating rushing out the door, but his warm slender hands press against my hips.

"You're not going anywhere," Sherlock whispers in a husky voice filled with lust. I bite my lip in an attempt to hide my grin but give up quickly. I shove my phone back into my pocket and bring his delicious lips to mine, my heart glowing with love for this wonderful man. 

Just Some Johnlock OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang