I'll Always Fight Back

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Hey everyone! This is another teenlock (sorry if you'd rather it wasn't), where Sherlock gets bullied at school but defends himself. In a lot of fanfiction I've read, he doesn't do much to defend himself or fight back, and I feel like he would (no hate on those fanfictions, I totally love them). Sherlock's a strong guy and I think would retaliate against his bullies. Also, sorry this doesn't really have much Johnlock in it, I kinda wanted this to just be about Sherlock's growth. 

This does also mention intentions of sexual assault, but it doesn't really happen. So if that bothers you, please don't read. 

Sherlock's face was once again slammed into the cold metal lockers and he sighed in annoyance. Before the boy who was holding him could step back, Sherlock whipped his foot back and his heel made impact with the boy's crotch.

"Ow! Holy Shit!" Anderson yelped and clutched his crotch. Soon the other two kids who were also ganging up on Sherlock threw punches and kicks. The curly haired boy dove away from most of the shots, but got kicked in the shin and a nasty blow to the nose.

"Hey, what's going on down there!" A teacher called from the other end of the hall. The three bullies quickly ran from the scene, mumbling curses as they went. Sherlock didn't feel like sitting in the principal's office again so he ducked his head down and ran into the closest bathroom. He briefly inspected the damage he sustained before heading to his own locker to collect his things. Thankfully, it was the end of the day so the genius could finally escape that hellhole.

As he stepped out of the building, the bright sun blinded Sherlock momentarily. After a few blinks to clear his eyes, he spotted his brother's cool black car. The lean boy walked across the school parking lot and ducked into the passenger seat while hiding his face beneath his hair.

"Again, Sherlock?" Mycroft sighed. 

Sherlock turned to glare at his older brother with a look of hate blazing across his angular features. "Like you really care," he scoffed while crossing his arms across his chest.

Mycroft once again sighed (it was a normal occurrence for him whenever around his brother). "Let's just get you home so we can get you cleaned up." With that the Holmes boys drove home where Sherlock was met by his doting mother.

"Oh honey!" She exclaimed when she saw her youngest son's bruised face. She pulled him into her arms and gave a gentle squeeze.

"Mummy, I'm fine," Sherlock rolled his eyes. He carefully pushed her aside and dropped his backpack onto the ground. "They weren't able to do that much to me. I avoided most of the hits and kicked Anderson in the balls."

Mycroft huffed a laugh but tried to hide it as a cough. Sherlock smirked at him as their mother shook her head. She then pushed Sherlock into the bathroom and helped him patch up the few scrapes he received.

"You know your father and I are more than willing to enroll you in that self-defense class they have at the gym," His mother said in a soft voice as she rubbed some ointment on his cut elbow.

"I know. Only if it gets worse." The blonde woman gave her son a gentle smile and nodded her head. She placed a loving kiss on his forehead before leaving to prepare dinner.

The misfit sighed deeply and lifted himself off the counter he had been sitting on. He heard the front door open and his father announcing his arrival from work. After changing into clean clothes, he joined his family at the table, preparing himself to explain the story all over again.


"Well would you look at that," Jim Moriarty purred in his rich Irish accent. Sherlock swung his head to make eye contact with the shorter boy who had just entered the bathroom. The curly haired teen quickly dried his hands and moved to push past Jim.

Just Some Johnlock OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ