The Question

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"Seriously Sherlock! What will it take for you to marry me?" John huffed after Sherlock turned down John's third proposal. 

"You know that I think marriage is a stupid concept that I don't agree with. What does a piece of paper change about a relationship?" Sherlock shrugged while waving his hands about. With that, John got up from their kitchen table and stormed into their bedroom. 

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight!" John shouted before slamming the bedroom door shut. The romantic mood had been completely destroyed. 

With a sigh, Sherlock glared at the beautiful candles and vase of lilies in the center of the table. He felt a bit guilty, but he truly didn't see why signing a document was such a big deal. He loved John and John loved him. They were partners and always would be. 

With all of the commotion, little Rosie had toddled down the stairs to check on her dads. "What's wrong Lock?" the toddler asked when she saw her papa with his head in his hands. 

"Oh, I'm sorry we woke you my Dear Watson. Your daddy and I just had a bit of a disagreement." Sherlock stood and held his hand out to Rosie. "How about we go upstairs and I'll read so you can fall asleep."

At that, Rosie smiled, showing her tiny baby teeth, and took Sherlock's hand. "Only if you read me the book about the stages of decomposition." 

Sherlock laughed and nodded his head. "Of course Rosie, anything for you." The two walked up the stairs and into Rosie's room, which used to be John's. But now the walls had been painted a light blue with decals of trees and animals decorating them. Rosie hopped up onto her bed and impatiently waited for her dad to get situated. Once he was, Sherlock began reading in an excited but hushed voice.

Meanwhile, John was attempting to calm himself down. From his place sitting on the edge of the bed, he dropped his head into his hands.

"I just want to marry him. Is that really too much to ask?" John whispered to himself. With a sigh, the doctor stood and went upstairs to check on his daughter. As soon as he heard Sherlock's deep voice from Rosie's room, he peeked his head around the doorframe. The sight before him warmed his heart.

Sherlock's melodic voice had put the little girl to sleep. Even though Rosie was obsessed with decomposition right now, she fell right asleep. Sherlock glanced up from the book and a soft smile blossomed across his face when he saw Rosie fast asleep. He got up to put the book away and jumped when he turned around and saw John.

"Oh John, I didn't see you there," he whispered.

"Come here," John whispered back with a soft smile on his face. Sherlock bit his lip and wrung his hands after putting the book down. 

"Are you mad at me?" Sherlock asked as soon as they exited Rosie's room. 

John sighed. "I'm frustrated. I love you more than I thought was possible. While I sort of understand your reasoning, I wish you would just marry me." 

Sherlock looked down at his feet "I know," Sherlock whispered so quietly that John could barely hear. "I'm sorry."

Although John was still frustrated with his detective, he couldn't help but give the man a hug. "Let's just go to bed and forget this happened," the blonde said into Sherlock's shoulder. The pair walked into their bedroom after a few minutes of John convincing his boyfriend it was okay for him to sleep in their bed.

As glad as Sherlock was to not be stuck on the stiff couch, he couldn't fall asleep. As John's arms enveloped him, all he could think about was their relationship. He didn't want to forget what happened tonight. John had made a huge romantic gesture that made Sherlock's heart swell. After surprising his detective with a delicious candle-lit dinner, John spoke from his heart words of absolute love. The two previous proposals had been less sentimental, something John thought Sherlock would appreciate. But the difference in delivery made Sherlock realize something. Even after John had claimed numerous times that he wants to marry Sherlock, the brunet just couldn't believe it. Who would truly want to spend the rest of their life with a high functioning sociopath addicted to drugs and solving murders?

But John really wants to be with him. He wants to marry and for the two of them to be husbands. The realization struck Sherlock hard. The detective came to accept that he only refused John's proposals out of fear. Fear that John would come to hate him in a few years. Sherlock couldn't live if John hated him. Not again after Mary.

Sherlock shuffled over in bed so his back was to John. He felt tears begin to trickle down his cheeks as his emotions got the better of him. After being repressed so often, his emotions flooded over him in an uncontrollable wave. Sherlock was almost at his breaking point when John's arms tightened around him. Still asleep, the soldier shifted closer to his boyfriend and pressed his nose gently against Sherlock's neck. The touch sent waves of calm through Sherlock that drove out the sparks of depression.

This man had saved Sherlock so many times. And he will continue to save Sherlock for the rest of their lives. With those thoughts, Sherlock was finally able to drift off into a dreamless sleep.


"Come on Sleeping Beauty, wake up!" John chuckled as he nudged Sherlock. The taller man groaned and pulled a pillow over his face, hiding a smile. John snorted and suddenly began tickling his boyfriend. Sherlock yelped and pushed a laughing John off him. As John's laughter subsided, Sherlock was giving him a playful glare.

"There's my beautiful man," John whispered and leaned closer to give Sherlock a kiss. Once John pulled away, Sherlock melted into the bed, becoming a puddle of joy.

"I love you." Sherlock said as he drank up John's sleep tousled appearance.

"I know you idiot," John smiled. "Come on, I made breakfast."

Sherlock's heart beat quickly as he sat up and grabbed John's wrist before he could leave.

"Wait, John." Suddenly Sherlock found it hard to breathe, for it felt as his heart leapt into his throat (even though that is completely illogical).

"Are you okay?" Instantly becoming a doctor, John rushed over and checked Sherlock's forehead with the back of his hand.

"I'm - I'm fine John. I just have to ask you something." John sat on the side of the bed and Sherlock swallowed hard. "I - I know you think I'm an utter cock and I know I am for doing this-" Sherlock breathlessly chucked when John smirked. "But you know that you are my world. Although I won't learn pointless facts about the solar system like you always tell me to, you make me human. You keep me right."

Sherlock paused when he noticed John becoming bleary eyed. "You've saved me. Me, a sad excuse for a man that you blessed with your love. And I need you. I couldn't bear for something to happen to you. So, although I've been a complete arse, would you do me the unimaginable honor of marrying me?"

A few tears escaped John's eyes as he let out a laugh. "You cock!" He smiled as he pulled Sherlock into a hug. "Of course I'll marry you, you bloody idiot. I've already asked you three bloody times."

"I'm sorry for that, I could have made you happier sooner."

John pulled away and held Sherlock's pale face in his hands. "I could have never been this happy. I love you so much even though you are an utter arse for this whole thing."

Sherlock laughed and stifled John's complaints with his lips. 

After a few minutes John abruptly pulled back and jumped off the bed. "I have muffins in the oven!" Sherlock laughed so hard he was struggling to breathe before pulling his robe on and helping a frustrated John cut the burnt pieces off his muffins.

I'm so, so sorry I just disappeared! Over the month and a half I've been gone, there were some changes in my life I had to adapt to. Because of this I didn't really have the time to or feel like writing. Hopefully I can get back on track! I also have a few ideas for this wedding, so let me know if you'd like to read that! 

Just Some Johnlock Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن