Double Chin

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So I've had the opportunity to write more recently, and should probably space out when I upload so there isn't a huge gap between chapters.... but I get really excited about them and just kinda want to publish them as soon as I finish writing. So even though I uploaded yesterday and it will be about a week before I publish another story, here ya go. 

The creak of the front door echoed through the mansion and Greg instantly turned down the volume on the TV before getting up to greet his boyfriend.

"Hey, Babe," Greg smiled brightly at Mycroft and helped to remove the auburn's coat.

"Thank you Dear," Mycroft turned and gave the DI a quick kiss. "Work was absolute chaos. There were two countries attempting to declare war on the United Kingdom!" He sighed.

The couple turned into the living room and Greg pulled Mycroft down onto the leather couch next to him. "But I take it you took care of everything?"

"Yes. Now I just want to eat some brownies, watch a classic movie, and cuddle with my gorgeous boyfriend," Mycroft grabbed Greg's waist and tugged him onto his lap. Greg giggled as Mycroft sprawled across the brown couch.

"I thought you were going to get some brownies," Greg chuckled.

"You appear more appetizing at the moment." Greg propped the side of his head up with his elbow beside Mycroft's head and leaned down. Their lips met in a gentle kiss. Soon the pair pulled away and rested their foreheads together.

"I'll grab the brownies we baked yesterday while you pick out a movie," Greg smiled. Before moving, he placed a soft kiss underneath Mycroft's chin.

After each had retrieved their part, the DI and the politician threw some blankets on the couch and snuggled close. Greg tucked his head between Mycroft's shoulder and chin. In response, Mycroft gently squeezed Greg's waist. Halfway through the movie, Mycroft had fallen asleep. Greg smiled and softly nuzzled his nose under his boyfriend's chin. After placing a kiss there, Greg allowed his eyes to droop closed.


Greg awoke to a soft groan, meaning Mycroft was waking up. At some point in the night, the couple had moved to lay on the couch, Mycroft in between the back of it and Greg.

"Good morning, Myc," Greg said with a delighted sigh.

"Good morning, my love," Mycroft responded before opening his eyes. Eventually they fluttered open and even after all this time, Greg was left breathless. Mycroft's auburn hair was tousled from sleep, his delicate lips were a beautiful shade of pink, and the lines on his face had almost disappeared from being so relaxed.

"You're so beautiful My," Greg whispered and kissed Mycroft's neck.

The politician let out an adorable giggle that he would never let anyone but his boyfriend hear. "Why do you keep kissing me there?"

Greg bit his lip and thought about what to say. He knew Mycroft was conscious about his weight, and Greg didn't want to upset him.

"Well, what is it Darling?" Mycroft smiled and tucked his chin down to see Greg better. Instead of responding, Greg placed another kiss to the area. It took Mycroft a moment, but Greg saw when his boyfriend realized. "Oh," he said softly and began to turn away from Greg and to the back of the couch.

"No, My," Greg sighed and scooted closer to his boyfriend. He brought his arms around Mycroft and touched his neck with the tip of his nose. "Myc, I only do it because I find it too adorable. It's just my first reaction to seeing it."

Mycroft scoffed. "You find my fat adorable? You don't have to make fun of me, I've been bullied enough."

"I would never say anything to hurt you. You know that. And I think you're absolutely stunning the way you are. I like that you're a bit pudgy, it makes you more comfy and cute. I don't know what it is, but honestly I find your double chin absolutely adorable. That's why I just have to kiss it."

"But I'm not a fluffy stuffed animal, I'm a man," Mycroft whispered.

"Trust me Babe, I know you're a man. And you're a fucking hot one. You have no idea how you make me feel. Damn Myc, I see you and it makes me weak in the knees. I wish you could look in the mirror and see what I see. A charming, gorgeous, crazy intelligent, super hot, and adorable man." Greg paused and Mycroft was silent for a few moments. "Please look at me Myc"

Slowly, Mycroft rolled over to face his boyfriend, and hesitantly met his eyes. "I-is that really how you see me?"

"Yes, and there's more too, you know I'm just not good with words," Greg chuckled. A shadow of a smile appeared on Mycroft's face, and Greg relaxed a bit.

"Yes, I know you struggle with forming coherent sentences," Mycroft smirked. Greg growled playfully and squeezed his boyfriend. "Now that we've established that, we should go for a walk in the park."

"Ok, Babe," Greg laughed. He moved to get up, but Mycroft tugged him back down. "What are you doing Myc?" He giggled.

"You forgot something." Mycroft purposefully tilted his chin down. Greg grinned and gently kissed Mycroft's double chin. Then he kissed Myc's lips, long and hard.

"You ready now?" Greg smirked at the dazed expression on his boyfriend's face.

"Uh, yep, yes I'm ready now," Mycroft said after he broke out of his trance.

"Let's go get ready, and then we can take a long stroll through the park."

With a smile, Myc nodded and the pair got up to begin their day. 

Just Some Johnlock OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora