Falling In Love

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Sorry this one's quite short but I thought it was kinda cute. 

"So, Sherlock, when did you know you loved John?" Lestrade asked from his seat beside Mycroft. Molly nodded her head vigorously, showing she also wanted to know the answer. Meanwhile Mike had a bit of a haughty smirk on his face.

"Well," Sherlock blushed lightly and gave his husband a love filled smile. "It was a long process. I mean I didn't understand what emotions really were, I only learned with the help of John. I knew I felt something special for him, but I didn't know what it was. Once I finally figured out what love is, I realized I was in love with him."

John leaned against Sherlock's shoulder and pressed a soft kiss on his pale cheek. Sherlock smiled down at the blond before returning his gaze to his friends seated around the table. John had finally convinced him to celebrate their one year anniversary and they decided to have a get together at Angelo's. Of course Mycroft and his boyfriend were invited, as well as sweet Molly, and the man that set them up, Mike.

"What about you, John?" Molly smiled.

"For me, I think my love for Sherlock gradually grew. Whenever he showed his more human side, I found myself falling deeper in love with him. Unfortunately I didn't understand this at the time and convinced myself I just admired Sherlock's genius," He paused and gave his husband a smirk to which the curly haired man gave a roll of his blue eyes. "It wasn't until, until after... the Fall," John cleared his throat before forcing himself to continue. Sherlock gently rubbed his thigh under the table. With a deep breath, John continued his story. "After the Fall I realized that I just couldn't live without him and I loved him. Of course I thought it was too late to tell him that." The doctor blinked back tears and the group of friends bent their heads, thinking of the years they thought Sherlock was gone forever.

"After I mourned for months, I kinda moved on and met Mary. I thought I was in love with her. But then Sherlock came back and I was just so frustrated. I couldn't figure out what to do or say because I was blinded by my love, guilt, and anger towards him. After being a complete dick," there were a few chuckles and nods from around the table, "I realized that everything Sherlock did was for me. Time and time again he risked his life and happiness for what I thought I wanted. I'll never be able to thank him enough for what he has done for me," A tear fell from John's stormy blue eyes and Sherlock brushed it from his cheek with the soft touch of his thumb before giving him a gentle kiss.

"I love you," Sherlock whispered against his lips.

"I love you too, so much Sherlock, so much." 

"And I don't think you realize how much you have done for me too," Sherlock smiled softly and pressed one more kiss on his husband's pink lips. John grinned and shuffled himself closer to the man he loved.

"When is Mrs. Hudson done babysitting Rosie?" Greg wondered.

"The lovely woman said we could stay out as late as we wanted," John said with a thankful smile.

"Remember if you ever want some alone time for yourselves I'm more than happy to take her," Molly chipped in.

"Thank you, Molly. We will definitely take you up on that sometime." Sherlock paused for a moment and a cheeky grin spread across his face. "However, I wouldn't find it quite appropriate if you had a certain dominatrix over while you were babysitting our child."

Molly's face turned bright red and Mike choked on his beer. Greg let out a huff of uncontrollable laughter while John began to scold his husband to which he once again rolled his eyes.

"No, John, it's alright," She sighed. The scientist sent Sherlock a glare but explained herself. "Yes, Irene and I have been in a relationship these past few weeks. Although I would never dream of inviting her over while babysitting! Do you think I'm a horny teenager or something who snogs their girlfriend while the kid I'm supposed to be looking after is in the other room?"

"Teenager, no; Horny, yes," Sherlock stated. Once again Molly's face flushed and she smacked his shoulder from her spot across the table.

"Bastard," She muttered. Sherlock simply sent her a grin accompanied by a wink that showed he was actually very pleased about her arrangement.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter, amazing food, and stolen kisses between the couple in celebration. After the friends went home, Sherlock and John walked to 221B and tucked their daughter into bed. Then the husbands enjoyed their alone time together before falling asleep tucked into each other's arms. 

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