Hoodie (Pt. 2)

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Over the few days that came in between dance classes, Sherlock couldn't get John off his mind. Since it was the weekend, he was sprawled over his bed with Redbeard, reading a book. Well, more like trying to read. After reading a paragraph of so, thoughts of John would distract him and Sherlock would end up reading the same sentences multiple times because he never comprehended them. When Sherlock reached the climax of his novel and he didn't remember any of the plot, he gave up on reading. He launched himself off the bed, startling Redbeard. The boy gave his Red Setter a reassuring pat on the head and apologized for scaring him. Turning from his dog, Sherlock looked in the mirror and scowled. He knew he'd probably think about John less if he stopped wearing the blond's hoodie, but couldn't bring himself to take it off. It smelled wonderful and was delightfully cozy. Sherlock only took it off when he left his room, not wanting questions from his family, and then threw it back on as soon as he was in private.  He only had today and tomorrow to wear it, because this Tuesday Sherlock would have to return it to John, and he planned on making the most of it.

Sherlock flipped the hood over his fluffy curls and wandered around the room, looking for something remotely interesting to do. After a few moments, his eyes landed on an experiment from the prior week and remembered he never finished it. With an excited smile, the boy flopped down at his desk and began running the last few tests and taking notes.

Thankfully for Sherlock's sanity, the experiment took a bit longer to finish than he had expected and when he glanced at the analog clock on the wall it read ten pm. He sighed in relief when he realized he worked straight through dinner and didn't have to make up some excuse to his parents about not wanting to eat. It only took a few minutes of pondering what to do next that boredom seized the boy once again. With a dramatic sigh, Sherlock decided it would be best to take a quick shower and then possibly go to bed. It had been a few days since he got a full night of sleep in and he didn't know what else to do anyways. After a hot shower, Sherlock curled up under his fluffy comforter with Redbeard lounging across the foot of the bed. The boy gave his dog a goodnight pat then balled John's hoodie up to his face and fell asleep.


Monday was just as boring as Sunday was, and Sherlock would kill for something to occupy his mind. Well, something other than John to occupy his mind. The attractive blond was still engraved into Sherlock's thoughts and the genius had no idea how to rid himself of the boy. Once he returned home from school, he plopped down at his desk and took some finishing notes on some experiments. Then, the boy decided to get his homework out of the way. After his parents had found out he almost had a D in most of his classes, they threatened to take his microscope away until he got his grades up. It wasn't that Sherlock didn't care about his education, it was just that it was extremely dull to sit through lectures when you already know all of the material. Besides, he thought he had better things to do than write silly essays.

Once Sherlock had completed his assignments, he relaxed on his bed and spent the rest of the evening (besides being forced downstairs for dinner) thinking about his meeting with John tomorrow. As excited as Sherlock was to see the athletic boy again, he didn't really want to return his hoodie. It made him think of the girls in his grade that squealed when their boyfriends gave them a jacket of theirs to keep for the (incredibly short) duration of their relationship. Now Sherlock couldn't help but feel the same way as he didn't want to lose the one part of John that would probably be in his life. The curly haired boy had already grown a massive crush on the blond and was afraid Tuesday would be the end of any interaction between them.

Before Sherlock could fight it, he fell asleep to thoughts of John Watson. 


Sherlock was very thankful when Tuesday turned out to be a somewhat mentally stimulating day. The excitement that chemistry and biology brought drowned out his thoughts of a particular boy for a few hours. At home, Sherlock rushed to get ready for dance although he had an hour and a half to kill before he even had to leave the house. Once he had his dance bag prepared, the boy realized he forgot to wash John's hoodie. He thought it would be polite to at least return it freshly laundered, but Sherlock was so enamored with the scent of it it completely escaped his mind. With a quick glance at his bedroom door to ensure it was locked, Sherlock brought the bundled up hoodie to his face and had one last quick cuddle with it. After a few moments of inhaling the scent, he pulled his face back and felt his face flush in embarrassment. He felt ridiculous for getting so attached to the object after a few days.

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