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John collapsed onto the couch after a long day chasing a serial killer. Of course Sherlock caught her, but not without almost being shot a few times. With a sigh, John dug through the sofa cushions, looking for the remote. Finally he found it and turned on the TV. The doctor thought of asking Sherlock if he'd like to watch anything together, but remembered how that went when John had suggested that as a date night. Sherlock said it was too boring and informal and insisted they go to a restaurant.

John settled further into the cushions and flipped through some of the hundreds of TV channels. There was absolutely nothing on. John groaned but was determined to sit and watch something. Through his second round of flipping, Disney's Cinderella caught his eye. Why not John shrugged. About ten minutes into the movie, Sherlock sauntered out of the bedroom in his pajamas and robe.

"Hey, Babe," John smiled. Sherlock just grunted in response. The blond rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the TV. Sherlock began rusting papers behind him, obviously trying to catch his boyfriend's attention. John ignored him. Finally, Sherlock had enough and forced his way onto John's lap. John smirked at his gorgeous but childish boyfriend and gave him a kiss on the back of his neck.

Surprisingly, Sherlock focused on the TV and seemed to be watching the movie. He actually remained quiet.

As they were watching the Disney movie, John started to get tired of Cinderella's character.

"You know, Cinderella is a wimpy princess because she doesn't really do anything for herself. She just cleans the house and mopes," John commented with a sigh. He would have loved to see some action.

Sherlock made a discontented noise and turned to face John. He draped his arms over John's broad shoulders before jumping into a spiel.

"Actually, I would say she's considerably strong for a traditional fairy tale princess. She's a victim of long-term abuse, but she still maintains a cheerful disposition. She has hope for the future and allows herself to dream. That requires a lot of mental and emotional strength."

"Huh. I'd never thought of it like that," John said.

"Well of course you didn't. I didn't expect you would've," Sherlock said with a snarky smirk. John rolled his eyes and pinched Sherlock's bum. Sherlock stuck his tongue out before moving again to face the TV.

Throughout the movie, John kissed Sherlock's neck and nuzzled into him. Sherlock was just as relaxed, leaning all of his weight onto John. The couple remained glued to the TV until Cinderella was over.

"You have to agree with me that the prince is an absolute idiot," John smiled while gently squeezing Sherlock's waist.

"Oh, yes! That moron should have recognized his 'true love' no matter how she dressed."

John nudged his nose behind Sherlock's ear and smirked. "Oh really?"


"Not everyone can deduce like you. I mean you have an advantage because you'd recognize me anywhere with a glance by deducing me."

"No," Sherlock sighed before shifting around again to face John. "I'd know you from your eyes, the way you walk, and the way you hold yourself. I'd instantly recognize you, deducing you would come seconds behind it." The detective leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on John's lips.

"Aw, Sherlock, that's one of the sweetest things you've ever said," John smiled and buried his face in his boyfriend's curls. Sherlock scoffed softly and pulled away from John.

"You're going to make my hair frizz," Sherlock pouted while flattening his hair. John laughed and gently bit on Sherlock's bottom lip.

"I like it when your hair's messy," John mumbled against his lips. "It looks like you just got off a case or had sex."

Sherlock giggled into their kiss and once again allowed himself to melt into John's arms.

"Are you ready to go to bed my Prince Charming?" John smiled as he picked up his lanky boyfriend in his arms bridal style.

Sherlock scowled. "I'm not the Prince Charming."

"Then are you my Princess?" John smirked.

The frown on Sherlock's face deepened although he made himself comfortable in John's arms. "No. I'm the villain."

"Of course you would be," John chuckled. They reached their bedroom and delicately placed Sherlock on their bed. The detective shifted around until he was comfortable, and peeked over the comforter to watch John change into his pajamas. Once John was finished he climbed into bed and laid himself right next to Sherlock.

"Goodnight my evil villain. I love you," John whispered behind Sherlock's ear.

"Goodnight John. I love you."

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