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"Alright everyone, that's it for today. Have a good weekend," I called and began to stack my materials together.

There were relieved smiles as students quickly gathered their things and mingled as they darted out of class as fast as they could. It's not like I want them to stay either. Tucking my literature books under my arm, I strode out of the room and across campus to the science building. I glanced at my watch and swore under my breath before picking up my pace. Damn my short legs! I navigated the modern building, which was quite a contrast to the historical structure English classes were held.

"Ah, Mike!" I exclaimed, finally seeing the slightly pudgy man conversing with a tall figure leaned against the door frame of Mike's office.

"John! Good to see you," he laughed and clapped my arm. "I was just talking to Sherlock here about the project that's been proposed by the board." Upon hearing his name, the lean man lifted his dark curly head and met my gaze with his piercing blue-green eyes. My breath caught in my throat for a moment at the pure beauty of the man standing before me. He looked like he strode right out of a Renaissance painting!

"Hi, nice to meet you!" I extended my hand. "I'm John Watson and work over in the English building teaching literature classes." He glanced down at my hand for a moment before seemingly reluctantly shaking it. I tried to ignore the apparent disgust on his face upon hearing my profession.

"Sherlock Holmes. Advanced chemistry." That was all he must have thought necessary to say, for he went silent right after he made the statements. I gave my best attempt at a polite smile, but the gesture was not returned.

"Well, I suppose I should fill you boys in on the information then?" Mike awkwardly chuckled.

"Wait, I'm going to be working with him," I nodded my head to Sherlock.

"Uh, yeah. The board thought it would be interesting to see what professors of opposite fields could come up with. You know, all that bullshit about working together and being a united staff," Mike stumbled to explain. The chemistry professor simply rolled his eyes and sighed, but remained in his casual position. I took that as his sign of reluctant agreement. 

"Yeah sure, whatever," I also sighed. Mike went into the details of our assignment. Supposedly we were to create an event that would draw students of all studies together and discuss how the arts and sciences are interdependent. "Alright, that doesn't sound too bad," I mumbled.

Sherlock scoffed and Mike gave me a sympathetic smile. "I'll let you guys get to it then. I'll see you both later, I have a Bio class in a couple of minutes." I said my goodbyes and was left uncomfortably standing with Professor Holmes.

"So..." I started. "Did you want to-"

"Clearly neither of us wants to do this silly little project so let's just get on with it and do it good enough for the board to approve," Sherlock interjected.

I grit my teeth at his rudeness. "Well, I do believe it to be a pretty important topic. Haven't you noticed the rift between students and staff who teach the sciences and arts?"

"I notice most everything," He began. He lifted his icy stare to meet my pale eyes and I was momentarily stunned again by his looks. "Just like how I noticed that you were an army doctor who studied at Bart's with Stamford, but got injured in the field. You have always had an obsession with classic literature which brought you to this profession. You wanted to share your love of the books to others," Sherlock added in a demeaning tone. "That's why you are interested in the assignment because you come from a background in both the arts and sciences."

"Wow," I muttered. "That was amazing! How in the world did you know all that?" I chuckled. The chemist retracted further from me, surprised by my reaction.

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