The 100- Part 11

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this chapter has a smut scene, it has been marked. 

I gave him a gentle smile "your one of my mates. When the bond formed you combine your power with ours. You are now a speedster, werewolf and vampire Hybrid" I said softly. 

I then proceeded to explain everything we had to Murphy.

He seemed ok with the sharing me part but when the part where he would have to go to different universes happened he was not happy. 

"I can't just leave my sister. I have a responsibility to her" he said with certainty in his voice. This is exactly what I was worried about. Who would want this life? I didn't even want this life and now one of my only chances to fix it is slipping through my fingers. Fuck how do I fix this? Come on Sia you fix problems all through the multiverse. THINK OF SOMETHING. I...I can't lose him...just the idea feels like it would rip out my heart and then my other mates would be hurt as well by my pain and that makes the idea so much fucking worse....

I barely heard as they argued, something about how Nik and Eli left their siblings and how we can always visit and how Murphy thinks he is an idiot. 

I was busy pacing and trying to come up with a solution. 

I stopped when I had a realization on exactly how to deal with this.

 I turned to them all "what if we make Octavia a vampire? She would be basically indestructible in this universe and it would give you the assurance that she was safe" I said to all of them seeing if it was a good idea or not. 

"Love, I thought we didn't want to keep leaving vampires all over the multiverse?" Nik asked confused while Eli mirrored his brother's look. 

Murphy just sat quietly since he didn't really know or care what was happening while Bellamy looked to be considering it.

 I nodded to Nik "yes but Octavia is smart, I would actually trust her judgment if we left it to her alone. Clark is okay but she makes stupid calls to save her family, Octavia is smart and capable and with this new timeline and the information, I have also added to the fact this will make this universe one of are more visited universes I think we could risk it" I explained to them all.

Elijah and Nik nodded while Bellamy looked kind of confused, we had told him about how this was a TV show and that I messed with the timeline but I never really filled him in on what happened. 

I figured on our next trip to visit Nik and Eli's family he could binge it.

 After discussing the idea more we came to the agreement that we would turn Octavia and Lincoln into Vampires and then they can use discretion and who they should change. 

I trust Octavia's judgement, she is not the red queen yet and hopefully that will never happen now that she has so much more information. 

Plus there will be more than one bunker and with night blood and now vampires added to it I guarantee when primefiya comes along they will be out within a year.

We spent a few hours teaching Bellamy everything he needed to know with the supernatural and his abilities. 

After that we went back to Arcadia to talk to Octavia and give her and Lincoln the option to turn. Lincoln was awesome and should have survived so now no bullet to the head is gonna take out that guy. 

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