Lost- Part 9

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Richard went in first to see Jacob seeing as they go way back. 

I just sat in the sand and watched the ocean while I waited. 

I must have zoned out because I came back to reality when Jacob sat down next to me "I didn't bring you here" he said simply, raising an eyebrow in my direction. 

I laughed "no you did not. But I am here to fix your mistake...well mistakes" I said, turning my body to face him. 

He gave me a kind of offended look "and how would you know about my mistakes?" he asked, raising an eyebrow of his own.

I laughed "well your life being a T.V show in my universe does give me some insight" I said smirking at him. 

He seemed to blink a few times "how can I believe this?" he asked. 

I simply sped around him a few times then sat back down on the other side of him. 

"I know you have been out in the world so I'm going to assume you have heard of comic books and movies. Long story short I'm the flash's daughter from another universe. Funny little thing, an alternate version of you actually gets possessed by lucifer...or the same actor. Sometimes it's the actual actor sometimes it's not, in this case they were spot on" I said with a shrug. 

He actually seemed to believe me this time which was nice and his face when I made the lucifer comment was hilarious.

"I know how to kill the smoke monster" I said nonchalantly after we had been talking about my plans for a few minutes. 

He seemed to be shocked "how?" he asked me eagerly. 

"Well you know that cork thing at the center of the island? You just pull that out, kill the guy in human form then pop the cork back in and bam the man in black is dead" I said while waving my arms around for emphasis. 

He blinked at me a few times in shock before shaking his head "you can not turn off the light. It will kill everyone" he said trying to convince me. 

I just scoffed at him "well they did it on their own in the show so I feel like with me and you and Richard we can do that shit in an afternoon. Or don't and keep the smoke monster alive" I said shrugging again at this point this shit don't faze me.

He seemed shocked but at least he actually believed me instead of the usual convincing I have to do. Seems like we're finally getting the hang of this shit. Hell at this point I have the spiel memorized. 

After a while, we came up with a plan that he seemed to approve of. I would do it anyway but his cooperation does make it easier. 

We did agree on one thing and that was that Benjamin Linus had to fucking go. 

I did ask if he had ever actually met Charles and it turns out he didn't meet him either. 

I lost my shit at that point and completely burst out laughing. 

"Oh my god these ass holes were basing their whole leadership on you and they never even met you?" I said while laughing.

After we finally finished planning he told Richard to do whatever I said and that it was of the utmost importance that he listened to me. 

I had gotten him to agree to actually show himself once we had all the innocent people off the island. 

Especially since I knew how to kill the monster there was no real need for them. 

Richard was shocked but immediately listened to him and I picked him up and sped him back to the bareks. 

When we just popped back up in front of everyone I knew they would also be willing to listen to me since that was enough of a show of power for them to understand I wasn't screwing around.

After Richard told them all my orders and that I was to be listened to at any cost I asked to see Alex and I was immediately brought to Ben's house. 

Once I got there she was shocked but after she knew who I was and what I was doing she sat and listened to me. 

"Ok I'm gonna be honest here, your dad isn't your dad. He took you from your mom and she has been trying to get you back for 16 years. She is the French woman that sets traps all over the place. If you would like to meet her I can take you to her. There is one problem though, your dad is probably going to be killed. I'm sorry but he is a master manipulator that has back up plans for his back up plans and he can not be trusted. You can say goodbye if you would like and he might not be killed in the first place but I thought you deserved the fair warning" I told her trying to be as kind as I could but I knew this wasn't going to be received well no matter how I said it.

I was right she didn't take it well but she seemed to understand to some extent at least. 

She decided to come with me to meet her mother and possibly say goodbye to her father. 

I felt bad for the girl but this was much better than her dying for no reason right after finding her mother. 

I also had the others bring me Walt so I could get him back to his dad. 

He was cautious of me for a minute but when I said I was taking him back to his dad he immediately jumped at the chance. 

After briefing with the rest of the others and telling Richard to start working on the looking glass problem and to start seeing who can leave the island Alex and I were off back to the survivors camp.


Ok what you think? I'm trying to put in not as much detail because I spend so much time on details there is no time for anything else so you guys wont be getting every conversation anymore since it just makes the book no fucking fun. Happy reading

Disclaimer: i own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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