The Vampire diaries- Part 5

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It took about a half an hour for Nik and Elijah to get used to their speed. 

After that I explained all the basics of being a speedster.

 I also explained how we would need to leave together and travel the multiverse.

 "We can't simply just leave our lives. I have an empire to run, people to kill. We have lives" Klaus said in a huff.

 I smiled reassuringly at them "I understand but we can always come back to visit. Doesn't a life without all of your baggage sound nice. A life without looking for enemies over your shoulder every minute. Think of this like a grand adventure, at the end I was assured we would all be able to live out the rest of our days without worries. Can't you see how this could be a great gift? We also need to find the others. I can feel them out there, cant you?" I ask them with a vulnerable look on my face.

I felt like if I left them behind I would be missing a piece of my soul and I just couldn't do that. 

The speed force wouldn't have done this if it wasn't meant to be. I needed them and they needed me and we needed to find the others. God they cant reject me... I would be crushed...what would even happen?...they won't reject me....I will make as many compromises as possible to keep them with me. Worst comes to worst I would drag them by their ears.

They seemed to consider what I said and they looked to not hate the idea but I wasn't sure. 

I decided to sweeten the pot a bit "look, I know it sounds crazy but you have both been here a thousand years. Aren't you bored yet, imagine the adventure going from universe to universe controlling the outcome. No one knows who you are or what you can do while we know everything about them. Whenever you miss your siblings we can pop back here with no problem. Hell everyone will simply believe you were back in hiding and none of your siblings will have to worry about a dagger in the heart. I already wrote them an entire to do guide if any of your enemies show up. Which will be unlikely since you won't be causing anyone problems. What do you truly have to lose?" I said with an endearing smile.

 I wanted them to agree and to be with me. I couldn't imagine life without them.

"Well when you put it like that love I don't see how we could disagree" Klaus said with his signature smirk. 

"Yes I do believe my brother speaks for both of us. We can't fault your logic and everything inside me is screaming to follow you anywhere so that is what I will do" Elijah said while looking at me adoringly which made me want to melt inside. 

I sent them a shy smile and looked down at my hands. This is weird...I usually just hit it and quit it. I'm not a feelings kinda person but fuck they are making me want to start listening to love songs. 

They both chuckled at my shyness. "What happened love? You're usually the most confident person in a room?" Nik asked with his usual cocky attitude but I could see the care in his eyes and it just made all the butterflies worse.

I huffed and rolled my eyes in exasperation but I still had a smile on my face "I'm not used to feelings...hell you know me Nik and this is all very new to me too. I was told I would have mates then I was sent here by the speed force. I'm just happy it was to you since you at least had some idea what was happening but could you imagine if it had been anywhere else? Hell I would be fucked. Not to mention the fact that I had fully accepted I would be alone forever and now I have multiple mates and a chance at real happiness and it is fucking terrifying" I said before putting my head in my hands.

I was immediately pulled into someone's arms.

 I just sank into him and enjoyed the feelings of peace I felt. God it's like all the bad just melted away....are they my personal depression be gone? Fuck yea. 

Once I calmed down a bit I pulled away and saw it was Elijah who was holding me while Nik rubbed my back in comfort.

I smiled at them both "thank you, it's just been a lot to handle. It's all happened in like the time span of a day, this shit is exhausting" I said while relaxing onto the couch in between them.

The rest of the day was filled with them showing me how to use my vampire skills and me showing them how to use their speed.

 It seemed they were as fast as me which would be convenient since they can travel through universes without a tachyon enhancer. What can I say? I'm really fucking fast. 

The weirdest part of the day was when I drank blood for the first time. 

It seemed I craved it but there was no blood lust. It felt more like when you just have a normal food craving, though it did replenish me in ways that regular food just doesn't. Being a speedster burns a lot of calories. 

I still craved regular food and it seemed Elijah and Nik both felt their blood lust disappear and were now craving human food for the first time in centuries. 

We had a lot of fun getting different fast food so they could learn why everyone loves it so damn much.


I think there might be one more that is them saying goodby and other shit before they go off to another universe. I'll probably do one or two short trips then another long one. I'm open to suggestions as always. I have a list of 28 different shows and shit that I watch that I want them to eventually go to so odds are you guys will pick one of them. I honestly just use a random number generator to pick sometimes if i don't know where i want her to go lol. Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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