Lost- Part 6

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It has been a few days and I was pretty sure the first-class passengers should be here soon. 

I had started spending my time running around and mapping the island. 

I was very careful not to trip anything but I have always wanted to see what this island actually looks like. 

Everyone was listening and taking shifts with the button. 

When they all asked about the food I just told them when it's done more will magically fall from the sky, literally. I still don't know how the hell they did that

They were confused but so was I so I just left it at that and walked away.

There were some good moments though, like telling Rose Bernard is alive and on the way. 

I always loved her and him, they were so cute. 

I spent a lot of time hanging out with her, she was a really cool old lady. 

I told her all about what happened since she was so easy to talk to, she actually helped me a lot with planning. 

I told her she should find a nice little section and make her little hut once Bernard gets here. They deserved their little chunk of heaven.

 They deserved their little chunk of heaven

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Me and her were sitting together just talking when I saw the first-class passengers walking up from a distance. 

I smiled before nudging Rose and pointing to them. 

Her face lit up when she saw Bernard and he did the same when he saw her. Aaawwww there so fucking cute...what is it about old people? They're just fucking adorable. 

I watched them run-up to each other and hug like their life depended on it.

I watched them run-up to each other and hug like their life depended on it

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I watched as everyone greeted each other and they brought Sawyer to Jack. 

I saw poor Jin looking around like a confused puppy when he saw Sun and started running to her. 

Sun had just turned around and they ran to each other and jumped into each other's arms. 

It wasn't as cute as Rose and Bernard but it was still fucking adorable.

It wasn't as cute as Rose and Bernard but it was still fucking adorable

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After they had settled I walked up to the group of newcomers. 

"Hello first-class passengers, we have been waiting for you. Now before you all start asking questions let me answer them for you" after I said that I continued to give them the usual speel and they didn't believe me so I ran around them bla blah blah. 

After I had blown their minds I left Sun and Rose to explain while I went to the hatch where Michael brought Sawyer. Gotta get to him before he does anything stupid.

Once I got there I saw that they had Sawyer in the shower trying to slow down his Fever. 

Luckily I had told Jack to prepare for this so he had everything they needed handy. 

I saw Michael wandering around looking at things and I walked directly up to him "hello Michael I think we need to have a chat" I said before just grabbing his arm and dragging him somewhere private. 

He shook my hand off but didn't really do anything else. "I'm guessing they told you who I am?" I ask. 

He nodded "yea they told me some story about you being from another universe. I just want my son back. I don't care about any of this" he said in a huff.

I smiled at him reassuringly "what they said is true and I have proof if you need it but for right now I need you to know that I have everything planned to get your son back. I know why they took him. Who took him. I even know where he is, well at least I have a guess. Now I know you want to run out there and be a hero but that won't get you your son back. I need you to sit still for a week maybe two and I promise you will have your son back and even a possible way off this island" I said with a kind but serious tone. He isn't a bad guy and he has been through a lot. You need to be nice Sia, not a total bitch like normal.

He looked at me shocked but after he saw my powers so he actually listened to me. Hey I'm actually getting the hang of this shit

Once I handled that situation and I also went to talk to Ana Lucia and got her to calm the fuck down. That bitch needed a damn chill pill. 

She didn't want to listen but once I told her all the people they had taken are safe she actually started to calm down and fucking listen. Hey I said easier not perfect. 

I had figured out that I probably had a week or two before they caught Ben and I told them everything they needed to know so I was going to hop over to another universe to get some supplies and to kinda just refuel after living on an island for the last week. 

I left them with a fuck up book just incase anything went wrong and I ran around the island till I got into the tunnel. 

It was a little trickier since I couldn't run straight long enough to open the tunnel but it wasn't too difficult.


Ok where going somewhere else. I'm not sure whether it will be somewhere new or not but I'm kinda leaning towards going back to one of the old ones so I don't have to write the explanation all over again a million times lol. Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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