Lost- Part 7

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After I woke up I said goodbye to Nik and took my toilet paper and other products and left. 

I ran straight back into the tunnel. 

I passed a few universes and then I saw my favorite island and went straight towards it. 

I ran straight to the supply area with my goodies "LADIES I HAVE PRESENTS" I screamed to the camp, scaring everyone half to death. 

Until they saw the toilet paper in my hands then they were on me like a bunch of fucking Puranas. 

"Ok guys there should be plenty for at least a few weeks, chill the hell out" I said glaring at the mob of people around me. 

They dispersed but most of the women stayed understanding I had screamed for them. 

"Ok ladies, I got tampons and pads. where we keeping them so the idiots don't decide to use them when they run out of toilet paper?" I said, pulling out the big ass boxes.

We all decided to keep them at the Hatch under the bathroom cabinet so that whenever someone needed anything they knew where to go. 

When I got to the hatch I saw most of the A team standing around talking "what did I miss?" I asked curiously. 

It turns out Russo had caught Ben yesterday and he was trying to act like Henry gale. 

They had listened to me and played along till I got here, they even told me Russo was at camp waiting for me. 

I decided to deal with problem one first "ok let me see him" I said standing up. 

They nodded to me and walked to the armory that they changed into a makeshift prison. 

When they opened the door Ben being him, asked if we had come to apologize.

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I laughed and he picked his head up "no Ben, we haven't, though I think you have done plenty you should apologize for" I said with a smirk. 

The look on his face was fucking priceless. 

He blinked at me "who...who is Ben?" he asked, trying to keep up his lie. 

I laughed mockingly "you are Benjamin Linus, your mother died giving birth to you and your father was an abusive prick who decided to take a job with the Dharma initiative. You were lured out by the man in black acting like your mother then you met Richard. After that, you waited a few years to kill the Dharma initiative and you all moved in and you had Charles kicked off the island. Would you like me to continue or you going to stop with the bull shit?" I asked him sitting down in a chair I had placed right outside the door.

I had to laugh at his face which he seemed to not like at all. 

"If you know who I am, you know what my people will do to get me back" he said, trying to gain back power in the situation. 

I just laughed harder and almost started snorting from the amount of laughing I was doing. 

I smiled at him condescendingly "oh yeah, they will try anything to get you back...until I tell them that you have never once met Jacob" I said leaning back in my chair knowing I just checkmated his ass. 

He blinked at me trying to find weakness but found none. 

He tried to make me think he was resigned but I knew better. 

"Now I'm going to leave you to try and scheme your way out, which you won't be able too but I have shit to do" I said nonchalantly before closing the door to the armory and locking it.

It was funny seeing everyone's confused but impressed faces after I closed the door

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It was funny seeing everyone's confused but impressed faces after I closed the door. 

I smirked at them before looking at Sayid "go get Russo please" I told him before grabbing some food and sitting down and trying to relax before trying to deal with the slightly unhinged woman. 

Once he came back with her I gave her the best reassuring smile I could "hello, I'm going to cut to the chase. I know how to get your daughter back. You should know she has actually lived a relatively good life. I give it minimum of two weeks before you get to meet your daughter" I said to her trying to give this poor woman some peace as soon as I could. To have your child ripped from you is horrible

I could tell I had shocked her as she just blinked at me before sitting down and asking how I knew all this. 

I then proceeded to tell her the usual spiel and everything else. 

She didn't really understand that much basically being cut off from technology but she did get the basics it seemed. 

"So what do you need from me?" she asked curiously. 

I smiled at her "I need you to play prison guard. That man that you caught is the one that took your daughter, Alex knows him as her father but you know better. He does love her and she does love him but I need him to stay contained while I talk to the rest of the Others. He is a master manipulator and as much as I trust everyone here not to be that stupid I know you would never let him get away knowing who he is" I say to her and I could see in her eyes that I was right. 

The second I said he was the man that took her daughter she wanted to murder him. 

I could also tell that was tempered by the knowledge that her daughter loves him like a father. 

After that Ben had a brand new guard and I could tell by his face he was not happy with the development.


I've been waiting to write that part since I started the lost ones. Hope u guys liked it. Happy reading.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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