Teen Wolf - Part 2

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When I opened my eyes I was confused not knowing where I was. Oh, yea teen wolf. God damn this is starting to get annoying. This is supposed to be fun not me having to bop in tell them some shit then bop out. You know what? Fuck it we're having fun. 

With those thoughts, I sped out of the bed and got ready for the day. 

I was taking a chill day, just gonna have some fun with my favorite characters, maybe go shopping with Lydia and have a good time. 

Once I finally made it downstairs the Scooby gang was still there. 

"ok I know you guys probably have a lot of questions but I'm doing something fun so either ask on the way or let it go for a day cuz I need a break. I've been running around universes fixing everyone's problems but this shit was supposed to be fun. Anyone know anything fun to do?" I asked them as I sat down and started eating the food from Scott's kitchen.

Lydia immediately perked up and asked if I wanted to go shopping, to which I said that was already a plan. 

After I ate we went on a shopping trip so I could finally get those new clothes I've been wanting, we dragged Alison along for the ride and she asked me a bunch of questions about her death while I answered the best I could. 

"Wait, I was dating Isac?" she asked me incredulously. 

"Yea you guys are a cute couple actually, my favorite part was when your dad found out. Oh my god that was hilarious" I said while laughing hysterically.

 Once I had finally calmed down I continued while we picked through different clothes. 

"You and him never really got too far before you died but that was also the last time we saw Isac so I don't really know what happened to him. So have you thought about what to do with the lake house? I say burn it down but it's not mine soooo" I said while looking at them and shrugging.

Lydia immediately turned to me "what do you mean burn down my lake house?" she asked, obviously confused. 

"Oh did they not tell you? Your grandma was a banshee like you, well at least a little bit. They never really explained how the machine becomes the Deadpool but long story short there is this fake wall and behind it is a bunch of machines that are going to make Deadpool's of all the supernaturals in Beacon hills and get them all killed for Peter's money. Meredeth another banshee basically turned into him while he was in his coma and was basically insane and made the whole Deadpool plan so she enacted it because she is sick and basically got infected with Peter's crazy-ass plans. Long story short destroy machines, kill Meredith and Peter, problem solved" I said nonchalantly. Lydia looked at Allison and asked "is she foreal?".

 Lydia looked at Allison and asked "is she foreal?"

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