Harry Potter - Part 4

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Snape had gone silent and seemed to actually look a little ashamed of himself making me sigh.

"Look, I understand it can't be easy to see the reminder of your pain every day but he never did anything to you and he is not his father. He was raised by Petunia for godsakes, you of all people know he didn't grow up spoiled. You're just diluting yourself to justify taking out your anger and pain at someone who has done nothing to you. For fucks sake! Just punch Sirius in the face and be done with it. You are holding onto a pretty big grudge for a damn adult" I told him with an annoyed tone as I motioned to Sirius whose eyes had widened comically.

Sirius was looking between me and Snape with comically wide eyes "I didn't agree to this!" He said in a high-pitched voice.

I just rolled my eyes while Kol laughed.

"Trust me mate, One punch is better than this giant grudge, plus you deserve it" Kol said with a shrug.

Kai rolled his eyes "oh yea cuz you would know all about that wouldn't you Kol" He said tauntingly, he was trying to get a ride out of Kol and it would have worked if not for Murphy smacking Kai on the back of the head and glaring at Kol.

"Guy's You gotta get better at picking your moments" Murphy said as he motioned to me who was looking at Kol and Kai very unimpressed.

They both winced and looked sheepish making me roll my eyes and turn back to Dumbles and batboy who were looking at the interaction confused.

Sirius wisened up and was now looking at Dumbles with a bit more suspicion.

I rubbed my forehead and groaned "well this just got awkward, okay so we covered all the fun stuff. You pull your head out of your ass" I said while motioning to Dumbles.

I turned to Snape "you start being a better teacher and stop bullying children, Oh and also get a girlfriend. Cuz I understand "Allways" but you need some love in your life" I said with a look of pity on my face. Is this man a virgin? Oh damn that's just sad...

I turned to Harry and Smiled making his eyes widen slightly "and you kid keep being awesome, Also it wouldn't hurt to become friends with more than like 4 people. Also not everything Slytherin is evil. This is my wisdom, Take it as you will" I said before bowing comically.

After that I stood up and clapped my hands "well as fun as this was, I can't sense one of my mates here so we best be going. We might be back, we might not. We will have to see" I said before saluting them and running out the door.

I ran for a bit with my mates behind me before I stopped in some random field.

"What the hell Sia! You've been wanting to come here for weeks! And now you just want to go?! We haven't even been here a day!" Nik complained as he paced.

I scoffed "I figured we would have a mate here, I get a feeling about the Harry Potter universe. I just think we're in the wrong one. Plus as much as it was cool Dumbledore is an asshat and he would want us gone. Since he is a powerful Ass hat I figured it was best to leave town. No reason to Stick around if we don't have a mate here. There are a bunch of versions of this universe" I explained with a nonchalant shrug.

"She's right, if another mate isn't here there's no reason to stick around. It won't be our only encounter with this variant, I'm sure. Let's just go to the next" Elijah said with a wave of his hand.

Kol pouted but everyone else agreed so we were running into the tunnel.

We were passing many universes, Some we have been to some we have not.

I saw the 100 and winced before turning away from that universe. No way in hell.

I kept passing universes until I saw a familiar tree with blood-red leaves.


Okay I know it was really short. Honestly, I was gonna continue but I want to start the next one with her getting there.

It's weird, this is the first time I have actually written something original in like 2 months. I'm so used to editing it feels weird. Like really weird. Well I hope you guys liked it. Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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