Once Upon a Time - Part 1

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Kol was finally stable enough in his new abilities that we were going to go on our first trip to another universe.

It would be Kai's and Kol's first trip to another universe.

Kai had been to the speed force but that was completely different than the tunnel.

I had made sure that Kai and Kol would be in the middle since we were starting to make a rather large group.

At some point, I have to wonder how the hell I'm going to juggle all of these damn men.

I was surprised they all got along so damn well in the first place.

"So who gets to choose this time love?" Nik asked as we were getting ready to go.

I scoffed "none of you, every time one of you choose we end up in the weirdest of fucking places" I said teasingly.

They all scowled but I just raised an eyebrow and motioned to Elijah making Nik laugh.

Elijah looked even more offended and huffs and turned his head away "I happen o like the walking dead" he said in his signature posh accent.

I smiled indulgently "I know honey but it's not the best place to go for your first run" I said sweetly.

He just huffed and continued to pout while Kai was looking at me pleadingly.

I rolled my eyes "no way, you would make us go to some fucking horror movie" I said with a sarcastic tilt to my voice.

Kai looked offended for a second but everyone just raised an eyebrow at him and he smiled sheepishly making me giggle.

I took a deep breath "everyone ready?" I asked.

They all nodded.

"Okay keep up" I said before running.

We all ran in formation with the Kol and Kai in the middle with Elijah and Murphy flanking them and Nik taking up the back.

I was leading as we ran into the tunnel.

I smiled as I looked back and saw Kol and Kai's faces as they watched all the different universes pass around them.

I smiled and looked at the different universes we passed.

I was trying to find one I recognized and knew was less dramatic.

As I was looking around I barely noticed it as Kai and Murphy started messing with each other with laughs.

I was about to yell at them when Murphy lost his footing and fell into the nearest universe.

Without hesitation I followed him and the guys all followed me.

I ran after Murphy frantically.

As I came out of the universe I looked around and saw a street and what seemed like a small town.

I saw Murphy groaning on the ground and sped to him immediately.

I was immediately by his side looking him over.

Whatever damage had been done was clearly already healed so I just jumped into his arms and held him tightly.

He shushed me "I'm okay sweetness, just took a bit of a fall. Nothing I haven't dealt with before" Murphy said reassuringly.

I stiffened and pulled back from him making him look at me with slightly scared eyes.

I started hitting his chest immediately "don't you ever do that shit again! You could have been really hurt What if we didn't notice! How could you be so irresponsible?!" I yelled as I hit him.

I wasn't doing any actual damage just getting my point across.

He raised his hands in surrender and stood up "Alright, alright I'm sorry. I promise we won't do it again" he said as he raised his hands in surrender.

I huffed and nodded before turning suddenly with a glare at Kai who looked like a deer caught in headlights.

I stepped towards him slowly "what were you thinking? Do you understand how dangerous that was?! I swear to fuck if you ever do that shit again I will castrate you" I said dangerously.

He nodded frantically making me sigh and hug him.

As I pulled away from the hug I smacked him on the back of the head.

He didn't even complain just nodded and said "yeah, I deserved that".

"Where the hell are we?" Nik asked as he looked around.

It looked like we were in a small town.

I looked around and saw a suspiciously familiar Clock tower and started getting an idea of where we were.

I turned around and scanned the street for a yellow bug.

Once I saw it I groaned "it just had to be fairy tales" I said in a whining tone.

"I'm assuming you know where we are Elskan?" Elijah asked.

I sighed "we are in Storybrook. It's a town full of people from god damn fairy tales. I watched it a few times because I love certain characters but I could barely take the cringe-worthy droning about light magic" I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

I gasped in horror "and the costumes" I said as I shuddered.

I looked around and glanced at the clock tower seeing it was about 3 in the morning.

I looked around some more and spotted Gold's shop.

I smiled brightly "the one upside of this place is Rumplestilskin. Come on we will wait in his shop and get our bearings" I said as I lead my mates to Gold's shop.

I fazed through the door and unlocked it before letting them in.

I spent the rest of the night explaining Once upon a time and what to expect while we waited for the dark one to arrive.


So I'm gonna do once upon a time and then we will go to Harry potter. We will probably be there for a while so I figured we would do a quick one to somewhere else. I just watched the show so I figured why not lol happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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