Chapter 3

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The next day everyone is pretty much hungover from the party. Tsuyu and Jirou stayed over at Minas house because they couldn't drive home. In the morning Mina, Tsuyu and Jirou help her clean up and then they get ready to meet up with the squad at the park. It's a beautiful sunny day and it's also really warm. They wanted to do a picnic and play football. They are meeting at the park at 1 p.m. It is currently 11 a.m.


I wake up with the sun and my hair is a mess. What time is it? 11 a.m.?? I'm gonna be late! I jump out of my bed and I look at the mirror. My makeup was ruined. I forgot to wipe it away. I quickly jump in the shower and wash my whole face and body. After a nice 10 minute shower I choose my outfit. I chose to wear a nice rose tanktop with black mom jeans and a black jeans jacket. I look through my closet and see one of Kiris hoodies. His favourite hoodie. I forgot for 10 minutes that that happened. I guess I'll take it back to him. I still feel the pain in my heart and that scene lives rent free in my mind. I try to calm myself down and put on some music. I dance through my room as if noone was watching. This feels really good. I soon realise that I still have pictures of me and Kiri that I should get rid of. I put the pictures and the hoodie in a box and I close it. I put my makeup on and decided to do a natural look. Just some concealer and maskara and I'll be ready to go. It's 12 a.m. I quickly pack my bags and I grab some mochi from the fridge since I don't have much time to eat. I look at the mirror one more time and say to myself "You can do this. He cheated but you still want to be friends. That's it. No drama. " I've never felt so nervous in my life. I grab my keys and I'm out the door. I go to the bus stop near my apartment block and drive to the park.

As the bus arrives I can already see Todoroki, Deku, Mina, Jirou and Tsuyu. I walk to the park but my hands were shaking. I want to avoid as much drama as possible. "Hey guys!" I shout. Everyone looks at me and Tsuyus and Minas eyes widen. "Girl you look stunning!" Mina squeals. "Yeah, ribbit, you look like those tumblr girls." "Thank you so much that's so sweet!" I sit down on the blanket which was full of snacks and soft drinks. Todoroki and Deku were cuddling on one another so I didn't dare to disturb them. Up til now noone really knows what happened except Denki, Bakugou and Kirishima. I am kind of glad that noone knows. "Oi ! Silly!!" Denki shouts. Here he comes with Bakugou. Bakugou looks kind of up tight today. I hope he isn't going to make a drama. Bakugou sits down next to me and says "Hey Round Face, can we talk?" "Uh- sure" I follow him behind some trees. He looks angry and says "So I have a question. Is it okay if I blast you idiot of an ex's head?" "What? NO BAKUGOU YOU PROMISED!" He really doesn't like what happened does he? "Okay but I don't know about you but he deserves to feel the same don't you think?" I was never the type to make someone feel jealous and either way I want Kiri and I to be on good terms. "No... I'd rather settle this on my own if it's okay." "Really? Or are you just scared shortie?" "I'm not scared I just want to be on good terms that's all. And I'm not short!" "Whatever... seems like that idiot is coming right now." Kirishima is walking like if he's looking for me. I slowly get out of the trees and Bakugou follows me like a bodyguard. He looks with a angry face towards Kiri. "Uraraka can we please talk..." He says worried. "I don't know if she can you idiot! How dare you?! After everything she has do-" "Bakugou! Calm down! I can do this on my own." "Okay but if he dares to do something I'll rip your face open and I don't care that you are my best friend Messy Hair" He glares at Kirishima and walks to the others to play football. I walk with him behind the trees to have my peace. My hands were trembling. I just want to get this over with. "Uraraka I know I did something wrong! But please give me another chance! I was drunk and Momo too. I really don't wnat this to end..."He seems really worried but he broke my heart... and honestly I don't want to be in a relationship with a guy that cheated once." Kiri I'm sorry... but I don't think this is going to work out. I really like you really I do. But I just don't think we fit as a relationship but more as friends... Please understand I really don't want to lose you but-" "I understand... I am glad you at least want to be friends?" I have tears in my eyes but I know he isn't mad and that he is okay with this. But why does it still hurt? "Friends" I say while giving him a fistbump. I give him the box with the hoodie and the pictures. "But one last thing...don't spread the word. I want us to have a normal time today and we'll figure out how to tell everyone" "Sure I understand" he said. "Now can you help me hide because I think Bakugou and Denki want to kill me" he said nervously while giggling. I laughed and I said "Don't worry I'll take cover".
We walk towards the others and Denki and Bakugou have the deadliest look on their faves. I looked at them basically saying "Calm down you two it's okay". I sit next to Tsuyu and Mina and enjoy my day.


I can't believe this idiot would just want to be friends with Messy Hair. I mean she deserves better- what the fuck Bakugou like seriously you are so weird lately. I can't stop glaring and Messy Hair. I would love to blast him to that tree and beat him up and I'm not the only one. Denki also seems really mad since he's the best friend of Round Face. Everyone is having a good time and Deku and Half n Half are cuddling ugh- weirdos. Not that I think being gay is weird I mean I myself am Bisexual but do they have to cuddle infront of everyone? Anyways I join the other playing football since that's the only sport I halfway enjoy. I also let out my anger on Kirishima by kicking him in the face with a ball. Sadly he activated his quirk so it didn't do much damage.
The evening neared and everyone was fucking tired so we head home. School is gonna start soon and we are gonna go to the beach next week before we head back to class. I honestly couldn't care less as long as Kirishima doesn't come with that Momo bitch.


Mina is kind enough to drive me home today. She asked why I left so soon yesterday. "Oh I just didn't feel very well I'm sorry." I said. "Oh it's totally okay Uraraka!" Mina said "I'll host another one anyway soon, you should come with Kirishima!" I looked down. She doesn't know that we have broken up. I want to tell her but I don't want to spread the word. I'll tell her soon though.
I arrive home and I am really hungry. I lost my appetite after the breakup so I didn't eat any snacks. I go to the kitchen to prepare noodles. While I am eating I overthink about today. "Why was Bakugou so protective? I mean he never cares for anyone unless he really likes them and I barely do anything with him?" I was really confused. The Bakugou I know normally curses and is rude which I'm used to and I don't take it very personal. But these last 2 days he has been very... nice. I wonder if everything is okay...

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