Chapter 13

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The next morning everything was normal. Noone suspected a thing about what has happened the night before. Class started again and everyone went to class except Uraraka because she has been excused. She is sitting in her room wondering what she could do but something is on her mind: Last night.


After what has happened yesterday my heart felt weird and I was having a tingly sensation in my stomach the whole night. I am still processing that Bakugou asked me to be his girlfriend...and I said yes! I lay in my bed looking at the ceiling that I decorated with light up stars to calm me down at night. I keep smiling at the thought that this is my second relationship already. I didn't think it would happen so soon honestly. I am just imagening what could happen in the future and how I imagine a relationship with Bakugou could be like. What I am still unsure about is if he is embarassed if I make a remark about that. He normally doesn't show such emotion so I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable. I decided after 1 hour of thinking I would get changed and text Mina, Tsuyu and Jirou if they want to hang out after school since I haven't really talked to them privately after the kidnapping. I get dressed and while I am changing I look at my wrists and legs. I stop for a moment. I look in the mirror and stare at the huge marks on my thighs and wrists. I feel ashamed and embarassed. I had such a beautiful body and it's ruined by these marks. I am even more insecure because of my body appearance. Even though Bakugou helped me with it at the beach I still don't want to dissapoint anyone. I quickly cover it with some black mom jeans and a long sleave black shirt and a purple t-shirt over it tucked into my jeans. I feel much better. I streighten my hair, do my makeup and choose some accesories. I am a very creative person so my outfits are mainly really planned out. I text in the girls groupchat about the idea.

 I text in the girls groupchat about the idea

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I'm so excited that everyone can come. Meanwhile I keep thinking about yesterday with a smile on my face while I'm listening to music. I really like Bakugou and I can't wait to see how our relationship goes.

Time passes and I have to meet up with the girls. I grab my purse and walk to UA. I see the three girls already waiting for me and they come running to me hugging me. "Girl we miss you so much in class! You are so lucky, clas sis sooo boring without you!" Mina tells me with a disapointed face. "Well Pinky I don't really have a choice my brain still hurts when I try to focus on something." "Anyways, ribbit, Jirou said we can use her car so let's go!" We walk to the car and drive to the mall. We go to every single shop there is and I actually found a lot of nice clothing. After 3 hours we finish with some starbucks and we are sitting on a bench near the fountain. I'm sipping on my frappuchino when Mina asks "Soooo what is it that you want to tell us? I have been dieing all day to know!" "She's not lying...she couldn't focus at all in the last period." Jirou said with a grin. I was nervous since I don't know how they will react with the news of my new realtionship. But they're my closest friends so I guess they'll support me, but I think they will be surprised that it is Bakugou. "Um...well.. you know that date I had yesterd-" "Oh my gosh yes how did it go with you and Kat" Mina always calls Bakugou Kat to annoy him. It is kind of funny sometimes seing him explode infront of her and chasing her. "It went great! He gave me my favourite flowers, took me to my favourite restaurant and took me to eat at the beach! He knew everything I liked and... we kissed" Everyone looks at me in shock and veryone starts to scream. "Oh my god! HE KISSED YOU?!" "Shhhh Mina not so loud...people can hear you" "I'm so happy for you, ribbit!" "Yeah, you got him girl" "Well Jirou, you're not wrong." Everyone looks at me with confusion. "Well...what I'm trying to say is...Bakugou asked me to be his girlf-" Before I can finish everyone is hugging me with excitement. "OMG THIS IS HAPPENING, BAKUGOU FINALLY ASKED YOU OUT!" "Wait- what? What do you mean finally?" I am kind of surprised by that answer. Did she know? "Well Bakugou told me a day before you arrived in a game of truth or dare that he liked you. I would have told you but he would kill me and I didn't want to ruin the magic" I giggle while everyone is holding me tightly. "Oh my god you guys are so cute together I wish you the best of luck!" Tsuyu says. "Yeah me too! I am really happy you found someone who makes you happy after that trauma. You deserve each other" "Thank you Jirou and everyone, I was honestly expecting you guys to be confused" "Oh cmon we know Kat isn't the emotional type infront of us but if he really asked you out and did those things for you he really means it" Mina says and she is not wrong. I have the strong feeling that he is serious with this relationship and that it's going to last long. I start to blush just by the thought of him. "Oooooo someone's blushing, ribbit" "Shut up Tsuyu!" We enjoy the rest of the day and head back to the dorms when it starts to get dark.

I see the rest of the class are in their dorms except for Bakugou, Kirishima and Denki. I guess they also had a boys day. I smile a bit. As I walk in the room with my shopping bags Bakugou notices me. Kirishima and Denki smirk at me. I guess they know that me and Bkaugou are a couple now. I blush a bit. "H-hey let me help you they look heavy" "Thank you, Bakugou, but I'm fi-" "I said let me help dummie now cmon I wanna talk" I looks surprised and everyone is looking at me with grinning faces and the girls are giggling. "Shut up, can't you see I'm helping my girlfriend? Now fuck off" That sounds quite like Bakugou alright. He blushes a little and follows me to my room. He puts the clothes on my bed and he hugs me while looking deep into my eyes. "I missed you teddybear. Did you at least have fun?" "Yes, silly, I had a lot of fun! How about you?" "Oh I just hung out with the boys and I told them about our relationship." "Yeah me too, they freaked out and squeezed me" I giggle. "Yeah I thought so by the way they were acting" "I guess they also reacted that way?" "Not quite but almost. I avoided the stupid squeezing" He smirks. He gives me a soft kiss and asks me to cuddle him. "Aww is soft Bakugou needy?" "Hey shut up I didn't see you all day! Now cmon teddybear." I lay next to him as he holds me tight and kisses my forhead softly. He makes me feel as safe as ever. My heart is racing but I feel calm in his arms. "Teddy, I love you so much, you're mine and I won't let anyone touch you got that?" I smile and I nod. I know with his strength and his anger he can protect me and he is only so soft to me. Even though I am a hero I do fail sometimes but with Bakugou by my side, I know I can do anything. After a while I fall asleep in his arms and I guess he did as well. I can feel his heart beating. It's a comforting feeling for me. I drift off into my dreams with the boy I feel in love with next to me knowing that the nightmare I had a few weeks ago is over forever. 

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