Chapter 9

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It's the next day. I coudln't sleep at all last night for the fifth fucking time. I was excited but also overthinking about what today is going to happen. It's 6 a.m. Mr. Aizawa Sensei said we should get up early to catch them as soon as possible. I have sore eyes because I couldn't stop thinking about the question that still runs through my mind. That thought was hidden by this situation but I don't really know how to cope with it. I have a clearer mindset: There is something there...but what? I stop thinking so much and put on my hero costume. These rockets weigh a lot and my arms were torn down but I soon get used to it. I walk to the hallway to see Shitty Hair and Pikatchu walk along. They all look pretty serious and concentrated. How can they be so awake so early? Nerds. Mr Aizawa gathers everyone and takes us to the vehicle that takes us to the hideout. Deku seems pretty nervous. He's such a softie hah Nerd. I hate Nerds. We get there after 1 hour. Wow they took her a long way huh? They park a few meters before the hideout so the Villians don't notice us. Smart of them I must say but after all they are heroes. We get out of the van and I see All Might, Endevor, Hawks and other heroes waiting. "Now everyone call me Eraser from now until the mission ends and remember: No interfering!" Mr. Aizawa- I mean Eraser says to us with a serious voice and walks to the heroes. The moment has come. Uraraka don't you worry... You'll be okay soon...I guess. They explained to us the 5 diffrent entrances aka exits we should guard. I was responsible for the front door and the windows. I am glad I got this position I get to blast these damn bastards in the face if they dare to escape and I'll be able to get Uraraka in safety. I stand at my guard and the heroes are giving us a signal of hands to say that we should try to hide so we don't get seen. I hide behind some bushes but I can still see the entrance as if it was infront of me. The heroes give us a thumbs up and start the rescue. Let's do this shit.


I lost track of time. I feel powerless like my whole energy has been drained. All I can do all day is trying to sleep but it is always so uncomfortable on this chair. I gave up hope thinking I'll never get out here. I know as a hero you should try your best but every way of solving this is blocked. I hear a door open and Dabi walks in this time. "Hey little hero...I guess I'm here to give you good news...We need you today. It seems like your little hero friends and the pro's are here to claim what is theirs...Now I will untie you but don't try to run you'll collapse or get hit with my flames sweetie." They are here... because of me? I feel like when Bakugou was saved from the LOV. But Dabi had a point, I can't move...My legs have been numb for 2 weeks now and if I try to stand up or even run I'll just keep on failing to do so. I have no other choice but to follow Dabi. I slowly stand up and he wraps a rope around my hands and puts the gloves on. His arms are around my throught as he leads me to the entrance. My legs are shaking and my eyes are so sore. I feel so tired and my arms and body have stains from the ropes and bruises from the incident. As we walk through the scary hallway I see the heroes fighting against the Villians. Even All Might! I thought his power was comepletly gone...I feel horrible for risking his life just because of me. The attention changes to me and Dabi in a second and the heroes look at me in shock. Suddenly Dabi activates his quirk. The flames are burning hot and I can feel my skin warming up drastically. I am terrified at this point but I can't scream.... "Now now heroes...We don't want this precious young woman to go to waste is that correct? Now I suggest you back down or my flames will take over from here." The heroes look at me and then at Dabi. But what I notice is that a hero is behind me. I can feel the presence since his quirk is Place Transportation. "NOW!" All Might yells. I feel a sudden grab on my wrist and Dabi gets knocked out onto the ground. I feel him grabbing me and carring me outside while the heroes continue the fight. My eyes close....I am so exhausted mentally and physically I couldn't keep my eyes open for one second. I hope that when I wake up I'll be in a bed and this whole nightmare will be over. I fall into a deep sleep and can barely here the whole situation.


I feel the situation is moving foward quickly enough. I guess it's getting to the point where the heroes are encoutering the villians. Suddenly someone is calling out my name. "BAKUGOU QUICK I GOT URAVITY!" I jump out of the bushes to run to the hero. "I got this now stupid go fight and help All Might!" I can't loose any time. I hold her tight and blast myself into the air while taking her to the hospital nearby. She is dead asleep. My face softens in relief and a little tear runs down my face. I'M NOT CRYING OKAY?!  I just finally proved myself as a worthy hero and I feel sucessfull. I look back and see the others are busy keeping the villians inside the building so the police and the heroes can capture them and arrest them. I guess this is the end of the LOV. I try to warm her with my outfit clothing but it's difficult keeping her warm. I arrive at the hospital and I run as fast as I can into the building still holding onto her repeating "You'll be okay shortie...stay with me. You fucking stay and you'll make it god dammit." "HEY I NEED ASSISTANCE!! MY FRIEND IS VERY INJURED AND SHE IS IN BAD CONDITION! SOMEONE HELP DAMMIT!" I shout. Emediatly some nurses run towards me and I hand her over into the wheelchair. The feeling of this horror being over overwhelmed me a little and I chuckle a little bit. I finally am the hero in a fight. I did it. The nurses rush to a clinic and I see them drifting away. I sit down on these uncomfortable chairs and rest since I think I'll be ca- I hear my phone ring. "What's wrong now?! I just got to the hospital, she's safe" "Bakugou, it's Eraser. The villians have been arrested and the situation is being taken care of. Denki and Kirishima are injured so they are being taken care of and the others are going to the dorms. I suggest you go too, it will be the best." "Ugh fine Sensei" I look back and I smirk a little. "You'll be okay shortie..." I say under my breath. I go outside and blast myself home. Finally, the town is safe and especially, Round Face is back.

After the young heroes and Aizawa get back everyone is waiting in the living room with their hopes up. "So is she okay? Did you make it? Where is she? How did it go?" These questions have been blasted through the room like crazy "SHUT UP GOD DAMMIT!" I shout. Everyone quiets down. "...She's okay and she's getting treatment in the hospital" Everyone jumps up and shouts with joy and Mina and Tsuyu are crying in joy. Kirishima goes to Momo and she kisses him in relief. Ugh I forgot about that. They ended up together after 1 week since Shitty Hair has gotten over Uraraka. And oviously the two weirdos Half n Half and Deku hug as a sign of comfort. I was kind of happy too that this is over and I let out a small smile. "Look guys...even Bakugou is happy" Mina giggles. "S-shut up Mina!!"She laughs and says. "I know you did it. Thank you for bringing the joy back into 2A" I get nervous and say "Yeah whatever I'm the best anyways that's what I do" but that actually made me happy. Finally, my work has a purpose. 

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