Chapter 18

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After a long night Uraraka and Bakugou leave to meet the others to comfront her brother. Uraraka is shaking and she is very nervous but Bakugou reassures her the whole time that he'll be there and she doesn't have to worry. The cold air of the morning is very refreshing for everyone. They all head to the place where he has his secret hideout.


I get out of the car and my hands are sweating as every. I feel as if I would collapse any moment. I can't believe I am meeting my lost twin after so many years in this condition. Bakugou is holding my hand as a comfort sign because he doesn't like showing too much affectio when others are around but that gesture was enough. "Okay Uraraka, you stay here behind All Might. He and you are going to stay here as we ambush in and try to get him" Hawks eyplained. Bakugou was worried leaving me here but also manly for protecting me. He also had no doubt since All Might will be staying with me. "Okay, let's do this kids" Deku, Bakugou and the other pro heroes walk towards the secret hideout as I am hiding behind some walls. A couple of minutes pass and I hear loud noises coming from the building. My anxiety and fear is growing by every BANG. As I am trying to calm myself down I suddenly hear screaming from the building. It sounds like... Bakugou!! I can't hold back anymore. I jump away and run into the building with All Might following me yelling at me to come back, but I won't. I can't handle this anymore and I have to see him and my brother again. I rush inside to see Bakugou in my brothers hands with his quirk activated. My brother has dark brown hair slitted in the middle with a black and red suit and some other accessories. He is as tall as me and musculer and has brown eyes... like mine. I stand there in shock. I couldn't believe it that my brother was holding my boyfriend in his hands about to burn him down with his flames. I have tears of fear in my eyes. Bakugou is looking at me covered in bruises, injuries and blood, scared. "Uraraka don't come close!! What are you doing?? I'll be fine please, just go!" "Uraraka you said... Huh. Is that you, Sissy?" Keiji says while looking straight at me. I get nervous. "Aww long time no see... Look I don't see why you are bothering me.. I just want to enjoy my day. But I guess since you guys don't leave me another choice..." I look at Bakugous arm which is marked by his tattoos. Oh no, when he activates his quirk he'll feel more pain then he already will have... I can't do that.. I can't let that happen. "Keiji-" "It's Hydra to you" "Hydra- please don't do this. You know you can be better than this.." "And what do you think huh? I'll just let you go knowing my family is in prison because of you stupid heroes? No... I'd rather cook this boyfriend of yours alive... Sounds more fun" He slowly lights his flames as I hear Bakugou growling and screaming in pain. "Uraraka for god sake go back you idiot for once listen to me-" "Shut up!!" He increases the pain. It is pure torture seing him like that. I know only one way to stop this or at least get Bakugou away... I can't lose him. Not now and not like this... "Hydra- I- I'll make you a deal." "Oh sissy wants to deal with me" "Yes... You pass the tattoo to me.. but you let everyone go, even Bakugou" "No Uraraka!! Stop I'll be fine!!" "Deal" He says as he pushes Bakugou away and snatches my arms with hot flames surrounding my wrist. I squeel in pain. He places the tattoo on my arm as I scream with litteral pain. I never felt more pain. Not even when I was with the LOV. I cry as I feel him slowly torturing me infront of everyone.


As my body lands on the floor I realise what is happening right now. This bastard is stronger than I thought. But even worse, he has Uraraka...I look up seing her squeal and cry. The tattoo hurts more than his flames. My heart feels like it is being shattered one by one. Hawks helps me up and I emediatly scream while coughing up "Let her go!" "Why, she made a deal to save you... My sissy is just like me. She puts others before herself.." "Hydra please.. Let me help you... You don't have to be like this" Uraraka says in pain with tears running down her cheeks. "Oh... I chose to be like this. Now I don't want to waste you.. I mean you are the only family member that maybe cares about me..." As I listen to this I see her flinch every movement he makes. Any moment he could hurt her even more than now. Cmon Katsuki think! Think! You are not letting this happen again.. Not again. Suddenly an idea pops in my head. I look over to Hawks and give him a stare. Hawks at first is confused but as I signalise Uraraka he understood what i wanted to say. My plan will go hopefully like this: I am gonna start to distract Hydra, during that Uraraka can activate her quirk and make him float. As he is floating Hawks and the others can capture him and Uraraka can touch him to get the tattoo rid of her. I look over to her, she is still trembling and scared as ever. I give her a slight grin to comfort her. She looks at me with confusion. I look at her and then at her hands. She kind of got an idea and slightly nodded. "This room is awfully quiet, damn. Hey Hydra I really wanna see what you can do. Until know all you have shown me is fucking nothing. Cmon give me all you got." He glares at me and lets out a slight smile. "Ugh kids never learn do they... Alright, sissy, if you don't want to feel more pain I'd suggest you stay still." I glance to her and mouth "quirk" to her. Luckily Hydra didn't notice this and she quickly picked up. he let's her go and she falls to the ground while letting out a slight moan. He aproches me slowly with his flames slightly activated. I see it affects uraraka a lot so I can't go to overboard. "You bastard..." I quickly blast a huge bomb from my arms.. the strongest I have done in a while since I had enough time to recover. "Babe now!" Everyone can barely see from my explosion except her... she can see through this.. I believe in her. "I got him!!" "Ochako that was the wrong answer" He activates his flames full power, which has never happened before. A loud scream shalls through the room. "Uraraka come here quick" She runs quickly over shaking and crying in pain. "Hawks, everyone, now!! Quick cmon" They rush over to capture him in midair as she falls into my arms. "B-Bakugou, my a-arm, AHH" She's grabbing onto me and crying as her face turns red. She's shaking and screaming. "We got him secured and out of movement! Quick!" "Baby, i know it hurts but you need to touch him to get this away...Please... for me. I'm right here.." "O-okay" I carry her over to where they stablized Hydra. His glance of anger and frustration focuses on me and Uraraka. She slowly leans down and touches his back. Suddenly her tattoo is gone and she collapses. "Someone get an ambulance quick! Her blood sugar is low!" I must admit, I'm scared, no, I'm terrified. I have to see her in pain, again, see her be unconcious, again, and see her get traumatised, again. These fucking bastards runing around town not caring about the others. I'll stop all of these villians, even if it costs my life. I will become the best hero and I will protect her and my future family with her.

I promise...

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