Chapter 19

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Uraraka got delivered to the hospital but since there weren't any permanent injuries she only had to stay one night. Bakugou was waiting worried sick as the doctors already took care of his wounds. He's sitting next to her bed as she is still unconsious. 


I am holding her hand as she is slowly breathing. My heart is pounding and I can hear the heartbeats out of my chest. I have a tear rolling down my face. i never cry but I can't take this mental torture anymore. Seing her in that bed once again and not knowing when she is waking up kills me. I kiss her soft hands and whisper "Please baby, wake up, I want to hug you dumbass" I feel a slight twitchig. i emediatly focus my eyes on her face and see her opening her eyes. With confusion she looks at me and says with a soft voice "B-baby... Where am I?" My body emediatly presses to hers and I give her a long kiss. She starts crying while holding my face. I hug her tight and I'm not planing on letting go. "God you keep scaring me dubass" "Sorry... but we did it? Didn't we?" "Yes...We did" She smiles and kisses me again. That smile drives me crazy... I missed that smile. I hear a knock and the doctors walk in "Well Mrs. Uravity your tests seem to be okay so you get to go home, just please be careful" "Thank you doctor" We both say. As they leave the room I help her get up and pack her things. 

Years pass, Bakugou and Ochako have been together for 8 years now. They ended UA and are now succesful heroes. They moved into a house together and had a great life. Bakugou did turn out to be number 1 hero. he protected Uraraka at all times. He kept his promise... Even though he is overprotective Uraraka has become stronger and she even grew closer to her brother, who became good but after he got out of prison had a control device implanted. Her borther now barely uses his quirk because of the trauma hurting his sister. Today Bakugou lied to Uraraka saying he was working in a diffrent town so she would have to do patrol alone, although the real reason he lied was for something else...


I have been planing and dreaming about this day for years. I never really thought a guy like me could even dare to ever have to experience this. Kirishima and Denki were so supportive over this and even helped a lot. The girls did to, preparing and distracting Uraraka and helping me. It's 5 p.m. on a Sunday. To be exact, our 9 year anniversary is today, which I guess is why she would be a bit upset about the lie I said earlier. "He bro, I can't believe it. You are so manly right now" Shitty hair says while bumping my shoulder "Yeah dude, how awesome is this knowing you are brave enought to do this is surprising" "Oh shut up, I'm not that bad" I grown. "Mina said they would be here by now" Denki replied worried. Suddenly I hear a car noise. "It's theeem" "Shhh" Here we go... My palms are sweating in this suit and I feel rediculous but it's all for her...


My eyes are coverred with a blindfold, Tsuyu and Mina are dragging me somewhere unknown. I am so confused. Where do they wanna take me. I take a deep breath and I can smell the salty water. Are we at the beach? What's up with the blindfold anyways? "Mina-" "Shhh no words just trust us" I giggle and just let them drag me. "Careful step" I kind of am glad they have a weird suprise... I get the feeling Bakugou forgot our anniversary today so i am really upset but the girls always know what to do. The suddenly stop me and let go. "Umm what is going on?" "Take it off teddybear" I hear a very familiar voice tell me. "B-bakugou what are you-?" I start saying as I am taking off my blindfold but my eyes are frozen to the view. A bright pink and blue sunset, the waves rushing onto the shore, Fairylights with a little house made out of cloth in the middle of the beach, Bakugou wearing a black suit and wearing his favourite perfume. I emediatly smile. "I've never seen you with a suit, what is this?" "Don't worry dumbass it won't be the last time, and I must admit this is quite uncomfortable" he starts to giggle. I notice Kirishima, Denki, Mina, Jirou and Tsuyu staring at me. "No but now for real what is all this Bakugou?" I wanted to act dumb but oviously this has something to do with our anniversary. He grabs my hands. They are warm and soft just like I remember. "Ochako Uraraka, we've known each other for a long time now but you have been my girlfriend for 9 years now-" "...You remembered" I blush and smile. "Of course I did idiot. Anyways, as you know, I've never been a huge fan of affection-" "You can say that again" Kiri says. "Shut up Shitty Hair" Everyone laughs at Kirishimas joke, even me. he looks at me again and continues "But now that I have you, the first person I fell in love with, the first and last person I want to give all my love to, I can't imagine one second without you. Seing you those 2 times in so much pain almost killed me inside, knowing I could lose my only hope and motivation in life. And I'll tell you a little secret- the only reason I want to be number 1 hero is to protect the love of my life. I promised myself I'll be here every day to protect you. Now-" he let's go. I realise the tears in my face building up and that one thought crosses my mind. He reaches in his pocket and kneels down. I cover my mouth with shock. He's not going to- "Ochako Uraraka, will you marry me and let me protect you for the rest of our lives?" Tears leave my face as I scream "Yes of course, Katsuki Bakugou" His smile fills his face as he jumps up to grab me and hug me, picking me up from the ground. Everyone is yelling with joy and I can hear Mina crying of joy. He kisses me gently and I can feel a tear leaving his face as well. He puts me down as he is still kissing me. "Well done bro!!" "Congratulations" "I'm so happy for you two" I hear being yelled. This is the best day of my life, now the boy I love will forever be besides me.

A few months pass, Uraraka and Bakugou got married on the same beach they went on their first date. Mina, Tsuyu and Jirou were bridesmaids, Kirishima and Denki were best man at the wedding. Everyone from class 1A, even All Might, Mr. Aizawa, Hawks and of course family members were invited. Hydra was allowed to take Uraraka down the isle which was a special moment for her. Her dress was long, puffy and she basically looked like an angel from heaven. Bakugou was amaized by her looks and he even asked Kirishima about how to looks formal since he swore himself that this would be the last time he wears such a tight suit. After the wedding everyone went to celebrate in the moonlight with dancing, eating, music and drinking. For one moment Bakugou and Uraraka get a dance alone. "So how does my wife feel huh?" He smirks. "Never better" They kiss as they are slow dancing under the moonlight. As a honeymoon they decided to go to Hawaii and stay there for a week. One day after the wedding they leave and enjoy their honeymoon.

4 years later they both have beautiful children, Lizz and Atsumu Bakugou. Lizz is 2 years old and Atsumu is 4. They stayed in Japan and are still very close with their friends. Of course, all of their friends got married, have kids and are the uncles/aunts of the children. Uraraka and Bakugou didn't quit their hero work and are still saving everyone from villians. Ejirou takes care of the kids perfectly and protects them with his quirk so nothing has ever happened. Lizz looks like Bakugou and acts more like Uraraka and Atsumu looks like Uraraka but acts like Bakugou which is funny sometimes for both of them to watch. "Hey Babe, its a mini you just cooler." "Hey shut up! Do you want to go though such pain smartie?" "No, but that is why I praise my queen."

Who knew that two completly opposite people could love each other so much...

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .  ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : 

Hello! It's me, multiinoiir, thank you for reading this fanfiction. I hope you enjoyed and I could share my fantasies with you <3 If you want to see more, I would apreciate I follow or a rating  so I know that you liked my story. In the next chapter I have a extra for all the "spicy" people so if  you don't want to read it you don't have to :) It's only for fun and it doesn't change the plot. 

Anyways if you have any wishes, thoughts or criticism feel free to leave a comment. Bai, love you all  ('・ω・`)

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