Chapter Ten - Keep A Secret

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She wasn't looking for a knight, she was looking for a sword. - Atticus

It was Saturday, and usually I'd be happy about this, but I was bored. I was at the dining table drawing, and Mikey was watching me. "What are you drawing?"

"Uh, just a girl," I shrugged, though I could never capture how beautiful this girl really was.

Mikey smirked, "Is this the girl you were talking to on the porch the other night?"

"Maybe, but shut up," I shot a glare at him. Y/n said she would hang out with me today, I was just waiting for the doorbell to ring. The longer the clock ticked, the more I thought she wouldn't come.


"I'LL GET IT!" Mikey yelled, and ran for the door. I chased after him, and he opened the door. "Oh, it's your girlfriend, Gee."

I blushed, "Shut up and go do some pre-algebra or something." I pushed my little brother out of the way, and looked at Y/n.

She was laughing at my comment towards my brother. "You guys seem close."

I stepped outside and nodded, "Yeah, I love him to death. I don't know what I'd do without him, if I'm being honest."

Y/n smiled up at me, "It must be nice being that close to someone. I always wanted a sister growing up." She sat down on the steps beside me.

"What's your home situation like?" I asked, hoping it didn't sound like I was prying, I just wanted to know more about her.

She shrugged, "I live with my (whoever has custody of you) and it's alright. I do have a little brother now, but he's only five. He's the cutest thing though. You should meet him sometime." As she spoke she would glance between me and the floor and the street and everything around us. Her focus was constantly changing.

"I'd love to meet him," I replied. "Maybe another time when Mikey isn't being a big bully you guys can talk again and actually meet each other."

She smiles, "Yeah, that would be great." For a moment, we just look at each other, and I think maybe we're leaning closer.

But maybe I was only imagining it, because he attention turned to the sidewalk where Frank was riding his bike up to my house.

"Hey, Gee," he greeted me. He looked over at Y/n and waved.

"What's up?" I asked. He dropped his bike on the ground and sat on the other side of me.

"Well," Frank glanced at Y/n. "Can you both keep a secret?"

To Be Known (Gerard Way x Reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن