21: C O N F O R T A T I O N

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C H A P T E R  T W E N T Y - O N E

Owen was now close to winning. I was now in my last round. I was in peace, driving in a car that wasn't mine. I begin driving around the curves, and tried my best to go as fast as I can.

Except, I was scared to push the limit. Why was I being afraid? I shouldn't be afraid of dying. Everyone is on the brink of death.

Was I being too rough on Victor? There was a part of me that wants to protect him. I want to protect him from the outcome I might receive.

I start to notice a wide group. They were all surrounding a black car, and I start to slow down. I have lost this game. That didn't mean I was weak.

Everyone moves away when I park next to his car. Owen was leaning against his glossy black car with a huge smirk. When I put the car in park, I get out to the cold night air.

It was just Owen and me, leaning against our cars. He had a cigarette between his lips, then he turns to look at me.

"Where's my congratulations, Miss Irene?" He asked me, a huge smirk on his face.

"Congrats on your win," I murmured.

He slowly makes his way towards me, "People aren't going to see you as the leader now."

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't care if they go to you."

I felt his presence right next to me. I smelt the stank of bitterness. His arms snake around my waist and I stiffen under his grasp.

"You wouldn't care if I tell everyone you're nothing but dirt?" He seethes under his breath, his grip tightening around me.

I turn to look at his hazel eyes, "I don't know what you're talking about," I lie to him, trying to manage a straight face.

He raises a brow, "Brielle told me everything. All I had to do was kiss her. She flowed all the truth about you, Irene."

I scoff at him, "Don't talk about my cousin like that."

He chuckles darkly, "Or what Irene? You're going to tell your dad? Like you know who he is."

I shake my head, ignoring his comments.

I felt his lips on my earlobe, "So you're not going to try to deny it, hmm? Well happy birthday, Irene."

Suddenly he lets go, putting his cigarette between my lips. I watch as he straughts away from me. I stood there, taking the cigarette off from my lips.

My eyes scan around the woods. I was trying to look for a familiar face. Then I spot them next to a girl. I march my way towards him, anger building up.


His head snaps to my direction, he even looked angry. He turns to look at the girl and exchange a couple of words. Finally, he makes his way towards me.

I make my way towards somewhere that was less crowded. Where it will just be and him.

When we make it to a deserted side. I begin to speak out, the reason I was angry, "Did you tell Owen? I'm having a hard time to believe my cousin told him."

His eyes looked at me bewilder, "No, why would I break a promise? Why are you pressed about it? You left me in the middle of nowhere."

I scowl at him, "You were shouting at me."

He pinches the bridge of his nose, "I was trying to help you win. But of course you lost the game."

I lean in close to him, "It wouldn't have happened if you didn't shout at me constantly."

His icy hands were on mines, "Did something happened?"

I turn away, "No, nothing happened."

That was a lie, I couldn't fathom to tell him. How can I be selfish to do something that I was going to do at this moment.

My arms wrap around his body. I felt his arms around mine too. I was starting to feel warm. Can I do such a thing to him? I knew deep down I couldn't. I was starting to grow a liking into him. He was starting to be my friend and I couldn't hurt him.

"Louis," I whispered. "He gave me an offer."

Victor leans away, his eyes scanning mines, "What kind of offer?"

I let out a sigh, "He told me if I make you fall in love with me..." I look down at the ground. "I'd have to break your heart, the way you hurt Esther. And if I did so, I would be clear off as a suspect."

His hands left my waist, and stood still. His brows furrowed, "Well did you accept it?"

I shake my head, "I didn't give him an answer. But why would I? I'm sure I wasn't her murder."

He questions me, "What do you mean by that?"

"I don't exactly remember the day I met with her."

Before he can say anything, we were cut off by Vivian. Her cheery presence lifted up our moods.

"Irene, why didn't you tell me it was your birthday?" She chirps, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Victor sing with me."

She clears her throat and begins singing something in Spanish, "Estos son las mañanitas. Que cantaba el rey David..."

When they were finished Vivian looks at me. I wanted to shrink down, was it bad not to tell them it was my birthday? I didn't think it was a bad thing, I really didn't have to tell anyone about it.

Vivian and Victor both hug me and said, "Happy birthday, Irene!"

When we parted from our hug, Vivian wrapped her arms around me. We leaned against a tree trunk, where she begins to talk. "I think you should sleep over today. Then tomorrow we can throw a birthday party for you."

I glance at her, "Can we please make it a small party. Meaning it just you, Victor, and Brielle," I clarified to her since these people like to throw outrageous parties.

"We will see, but you're going to sleep over, right," she questions me, putting on her puppy dog eyes.

I nod my head to her question. It felt like this would be a good time to better understand Vivian. I was also excited to see her place, this town had many interesting homes. I quickly text my aunt, letting her know what happened. I don't think she knows it's my birthday—but that's okay.

Once she said it was okay. We make our way to Victor car, and I felt nervous. This was my first time seeing their home.

Do you think this sleep over will reveal something?
Do you think Irene will have a big birthday party?

Well that's this chapter, I hope you guys enjoyed it!

𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz