5: S E E K

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I lay on my stomach as I pass through the channels of the tv. They had all the programs, but nothing interested me. I decided to watch a movie that was playing.

My cheeks resting on my hand as I look out the window and see it was getting dark. My thoughts thinking back from school. Esther telling me to go to a small event they were having.

I was debating whether or not to go. I look at the tv realizing they were playing Twilight. In the part where Edward was in the woods with Bella. Insisting for her to say the words he was. Bella knew who he was, even when he didn't want her to truly know.

I thought about my situation. It felt like soon I will crumble down. Someone will know my truth, whether I tell them or they figure it out themselves. But was I prepared to leave just like Edward left Bella?

"Irene, you're not getting ready for today's event?" Brielle says as she flops down on my bed.

I turn to look at her, she was wearing a yellow sweater with some jeans. Her brown hair in a ponytail. "I don't know if I should go." I honestly tell her.

She starts to twirl my hair into a low bun, "It's going to be fun, you should go. Get ready, you have ten minutes." She hops off and runs out.

I sigh and hear Edward harsh words to Bella. I turn off the tv to begin getting ready. I had black leggings on so I didn't change too much. I put on a lilac sweatshirt then put on my black shoes.

When I run down, I hear whispers from downstairs, a man and a woman.

"I don't know, she called me and told me her last wishes." The woman said and I knew that it was my aunt Celeste.

"Why did she call you? She could have called me, after all, I haven't seen her all those years." The man loudly whispers.

"Her last wishes were to tell you something-"

I was cut off from the conversation when Brielle pulls me. She pulls me to the front door, yet we always leave through the garage door from the kitchen.

A part of me wonders who the man was. Who specifically were they talking about?

Brielle shouts, "Come on Irene! They are waiting for us!"

She starts running across the big lawn and I stand there confused. "Aren't you going to take your car?"

She turns around, smirking at me, "No lazy! We are running there, it's not far."

I shake my head beginning to follow her through the lawn. Brielle throws a couple of fall color leaves towards me.

Once we get by the gate, she pushes a button. Now we were running through the empty streets. We were both side to side, our breath puffing out white smoke.

"How long," I question her.

She stops on her tracks, standing in front of the woods. She pants and smirks, "We are here." She walks in while I follow her.

As I follow her through the woods, my eyes trail up to hers, "Brielle, who was that person talking to your mom?" I curiously ask her.

𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now