27: D R O W N

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C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - S E V E N

Distant sounds of panicking were heard. I felt my head spinning around. My breath was at the peak of losing. My vision was starting to see black spots. Breathe, breathe, if you breathe, this whole thing will soon be over.


"Would you guys offer your soul to remain youthful and never age," my English teacher says, speaking about the novel we were reading.

Many people raised their hands, yet this teacher wanted to hear my answer. "Irene, what do you think?"

I smile brightly, "Of course I would, if I were going to do such hateful things...then yes."

"Why," he questions me as my statement wasn't clear enough.

"If I was ugly and doing such hateful things, people will never hear my story. They will try to get rid of me before I can speak a thing. Yet, if I were beautiful, people will hear my story. Except they won't do anything, for people have a hard time getting rid of them. Beautiful people don't get the outcome they deserve, not until karma gets them," I tell my teacher.

He crosses his arms under his chest, "So if you were pretty, you will get away with many things?"

I nod my head, "Yes, people are mesmerized by people's beauty. They don't believe pretty people can have such corrupt souls."

The bell rings loudly, never letting my teacher question me again. He dismisses us and I begin making my way to my other classes.

Today I was nervous, I was going to try out for the track team. I enjoy running, it feels like you're in control. Many people have ways they like to escape, it can either be reading, writing, music, exercising, and ect.

All I can hear were people gossiping about my birthday party. Some were twisting it around, trying to make it sound like some bad circus show. While some people thought I did a good job humbling Matthew Knight.

"Irene," I felt an arm loop around mine. "We need to start planning for this fair."

I turn to look at Vivian, she was smiling brightly. Her hair was put up in a high ponytail, her dark hair looked silky.

"What kind of planning," I asked, since I knew this fair was being planned by Louis Knox.

The thought of his name sent me to a haze. A unpleasant haze. It was like playing a game of hide and seek with him. But the more I thought of it, I was playing hide and seek with all of them. You never expect what to learn from these people.

She rolls her eyes, "Planning our outfits," she takes a pause. "Oh! By the way, I let my brother know about you taking him as a date for the fair."

My eyes widen, "What! I was just kidding-"

Vivian stops walking, doing a full 360, "You were just kidding to take my brother! Now I might hate him, but don't stoop so low."

"I-I didn't mean it like that," I tried reasoning with her.

Her face looked blank, "Then what did you mean Irene?"

I rub my eyes, "I don't know how I feel about him." A memory ran through my mind. It sent my ivory skin to have some color.

She raises a brow, "Why are you blushing?"

I let out a sigh, "Umm-well..." I take a short pause. "We might've...almost kissed."

She puts a hand over her mouth. Her eyes were looking around the now empty hallways. "You are kidding, right? Tell me you are."

I shake my head in response.

𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now