30: C A R N I V A L

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"Look alive Irene," my aunt tells me as we enter the fair. "And Brielle, you need to hang with Irene. I don't want to see you with Owen for a while."

At the corner of my eye, I didn't miss the way she rolled her eyes. The fair was held in the open fields of the school. There weren't many rides, but mainly booths.

Many people were here. I looked around to see if there's anything interesting. There were only the basic rides you typically see. They had a ferris wheel, bumper cars, a carousel, and many classic rides.

"While you guys do something, I'm going to talk to the other parents," aunt Celeste cheerfully says. She makes her way to a group of ladies, they all start cheerfully talking.

We turn to each other, "What ride would you like to go on first?"

I smile, "How about the teacups."

She presses onto her lips, trying hard not to smile. We might've not had a childhood together, but she loops our arms together. We begin our way to the line for the ride. Small children were waiting, along with people our age.

It was finally our turn, making our way in the small cup. We sat side by side, Brielle closed the door. Our hands were on the wheel, the operator now turning on the ride.

Our hands spin the wheel around, sometimes getting tangled up. My vision was starting to see the blur of people. It was coming to an end when I felt like I was on cloud 9. We all get off, my hand holding onto the cup.

Brielle starts to wobble, clinging onto my arm. She giggles, "I don't feel so well."

"I don't either," I mentioned to her.

"Let's not do anything that spins," Brielle adds, then perks up. "Vivian, come over here!"

She stood with a group, it was her family. They all looked like they were talking about something serious. For their faces were harsh and bitter.

Finally, she spins to look at us with the brightest smile. When she stood next to us, she greeted us. They put me in the middle, looping our arms together.

"What should we do," Vivian questions us as we walk through the long lines of booths.

Something caught my eye, it wasn't a booth exactly. It was a tent, there was a sign outside. Psychic Medium was what it said. "How about that," I asked them, pointing at it.

They turn to see what caught my attention. I can feel the tension between them. There was something about it. People use mediums to connect with someone from the dead. I see two people I want to talk to from the other side.

"No, my mother told me to never mess with stuff like that," Vivian protested, I can hear the panic in her voice.

I looked at Brielle, since I didn't mind going alone. "I'm willing to go," her eyes gleamed with wonder.

We make our way to the entrance of the tent. Vivian sighs, "Fine, I'll come along. Even though ma told me to never mess with brujería."

There was an eerie feeling inside. There was a slight humming sound. The room was lit up with warm lamps. In the middle, there was a lady with frizzy hair. She was sitting on a chair, a table around her small frame.

𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora