6: P A R T N E R S

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"I don't get it, how can he be so rude?" I questioningly ask Vivian as we walk through the halls.

My thoughts were racing back to last night. An event of hide and seek. I was astonished by what she told me, being in Victor's head. It felt like a victory. I notice that Victor and victory are the same and I chuckled because of that. Maybe I will get the victory of Victor's head.

Vivian shrugs her shoulder, "Who knows, my brother is just the ultimate asshole."

I felt happy that Vivian wanted to talk to me. When I left my first class she came running up to me. I didn't mind because it felt good to have company. Yesterday was my first day and it felt horrible.

Today it doesn't feel so bad. Soon I will get the hang of every little thing, such as the act.

"Maybe they switch the baby because you're an angel," I commented and see her smile brightly.

She flips her hair to the side, "We all know that."

An arm wraps around my shoulder, "We all know what?"

I was expecting it to be Victor but thought wrong. It was Owen who had their arm on my shoulder. That gesture screamed Victor's torment. Especially since I haven't spoken to Owen directly.

Vivian clears her throat, "That we all know that Irene here... umm is needing a partner for her drama class."

Owen's eyes sparkle, "Oooh, you need a partner! I know the best person for that!"

My eyebrows raised up, "And who is that?"

He smirks, "My friend Anthony, he's the best actor in this school. He has performed alongside some broadway shows."

I eye him skeptically, not believing a word he said. Then I remember that this school is filled with rich kids. Possibly with kids who had a special talent in them.

Vivian grabs hold of me and speaks up, "Thanks for the tip, but we have to get going."

We walk away from him, making our way to our next classes. I look at Vivian, "I don't have a drama class."

She gives me a lopsided smile, "I know, but I do. Though you will need a partner for your next class."

I notice that I've arrived to my class. The class where we supposedly need a partner. I didn't know anyone in this class. None of the people I talk to were here. Hell, I wouldn't mind if Victor was my partner.

I shake my head and enter the class. This is a perfect opportunity to make new friends. Friends that weren't my cousins.

I take a seat at the farthest table. The one table no one sat in. Everyone looked like they were ready to call out their partners. To my surprise, a tall girl makes her way towards me. She had big, curly hair with beautiful brown eyes, that looked like honey.

She gives me a warm smile and I give her one back too. Well, I might have a partner, but I shouldn't think ahead. She might as well have a partner and there wasn't room.

Our art teacher walks into the room. She looked like a very nice person from what I've seen. Sometimes from what I see, people didn't take her seriously. She claps her hands and talks about today's lesson.

𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now