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We stayed in the library pretty much the whole day. Damien had worked and it took me hours to pick books that I've been dying to read. I didn't want to choose and I had plenty of time so I picked them all out before I started reading. I was so excited! Lowkey, I was starting to regret wanting to work. I mean, I could be in here and spend my entire day reading!

However, today was Monday which meant Dina and I would start working. Damien said we would all be leaving together. I woke up and took the fastest shower of my life and dressed up in black skinny jeans and a gray sweater. I quickly dried and tied my hair into a high ponytail. I put on my rings and my necklace and did my makeup - blush, eyebrows, concealer, lips, lashes. 

I wore my shoes, put on perfume, and grabbed my bag.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I was satisfied. I felt good today. I realize I wasn't professional enough, but I would be working in the cafeteria anyway, so I figured comfort should be my priority.

"Good morning." Damien came out of the bathroom. He was dressed up and ready as well.

"Ready to leave?" he asked. I nodded. His face looked distracted and confused. Shrugging it off, we walked out of the room. The wonderful smell of breakfast had already engulfed the corridors, becoming a wake-up call for everyone.

As we entered the dining room, mostly everyone had already started eating or was finishing up to leave for work.

Damien and I took our seats. I didn't feel like eating because I was starting to get nervous. No one really knew me as Damien's wife. At least, no one out in the public. Would we hide it? If not, how would people treat me?

I slapped myself back to reality, reminding myself to forget what people thought about me. People were going to think what they wanted to think regardless of what I do.

I managed to finish my tea and eat eggs with toast. Very plain and boring but sometimes simple was the best way to go. 

Dina had already eaten and was on her phone, waiting for us. I thanked Ms. Mantini and she wished Dina and I good luck on our first day at work. What a sweet woman!

Damien finished fairly quickly, as well. Dina, Damien, and I bid our goodbyes to those still eating, and together, we left for his car.

I hate that I had dragged Dina into Damien's mess, but I was so glad she was with me and I wasn't alone. I had somebody to confide in me and I knew she would be there for me no matter what. Dina didn't speak out much, but for each other, we would do anything. We were each other's family.

I was playing around with my ring. I guess since we were going to work together, that meant we were not hiding our marriage. 

"So, what exactly are Dina and I doing in the cafeteria?" I asked.

"Well, Chef Garcia, our head chef will be in charge of that. I assume you'll do whatever he asks of you."

"Even Dina?" I asked. She was a PA before and I just assumed she'd work upstairs, not in the cafeteria.

"I thought you two stuck like glue." Damien smirked.

"It's alright, Kiara. Anything works for me," said Dina with a small smile.

"I'll look into any available positions for you today Dina. You will come upstairs with me and we can see if there's anything suitable for you. Kiara will be down in the cafeteria." Damien instructed.

"It's really fine, Damien. I'm good with the cafeteria as well." Dina tried to assure him.

I gave her a look. She had an opportunity to work at Skylor Corp. and I was ot about to allow her to lose it. 

"What about...?" My voice trailed off.

"What about what?" Damien asked. 

I pointed to my ring.

"What about it?" he asked again.

"Are we hiding it or..." I asked back.

"Why hide it?" Damien and Dina asked almost simultaneously. 

I was taken aback, "Oh, I mean... I guess I just thought you'd want to keep it professional at work. I don't know. I just wanted to ask to make sure we were on the same page."

Damien nodded while Dina looked at me suspiciously. I ignored both and looked out on the road. We arrived at Skylor Corp soon and I remembered the first and only time I had been here. Damien held me from my waist and all three of us headed to the cafeteria. Damien went ahead of us and talked with someone who I presumed was the head chef, Chef Garcia.

Chef Garcia nodded and walked towards me with Damien by his side.

"Hello, Mrs. Skylor," Chef Garcia greeted me. It almost sounded foreign. I was Mrs. Skylor, but I wasn't.

I smiled and greeted him back.

Damien said he and Dina needed to go upstairs. They walked out of the cafeteria and were soon out of my sight. 

"Congratulations on your marriage. Let's get started right away. The others are probably getting ready in the locker room. Mr. Skylor told me you had dreams of becoming a head chef?"

"Thank you. And, yes. I do."

"Will you be replacing me?" he teased, laughing. His eyes squinted as he smiled. He was probably in his mid-50s but he still looked alive and young. He had a slight Mexican accent and it suited him really well.

I laughed along with him, "No, sir. Do not worry. I am far too inexperienced to replace you."

Soon, others joined us with their hairnets and aprons on. Chef Garcia introduced me to them as Mrs. Skylor, which shocked everyone. But, I insisted on calling me Kiara.

Chef Garcia asked a young girl named Anna to show me around and explain the dynamics. Anna was a sweet girl who had straight black hair and dark brown eyes. Her beauty was so mesmerizing and unique. She also had a beautiful laugh and was very nice. 

Once she showed me around, she asked me how comfortable I was with maneuvering around the kitchen. Honestly, this was well within the ballpark for me. I told her I was very comfortable and we started working right away. Chef Garcia does not take it slow, that's for sure. It only took a 30-minute orientation before I had my hands in dough or frying carrots. However, Anna would be with me for the day to help me settle. 

"Is it fine if I call you girl? I mean I call everyone girl, but you're the boss's wife. I mean, I know you said we could call you Kiara, but---"

"Of course, Anna." I smiled at her.

She laughed and thanked me.

"So, how long has it been? I'm sorry-- I don't mean to intrude in your personal lives. I mean, I've gained a reputation around here for knowing all kinds of secrets. Of course, this is Mr. Skylor we're talking about... So, I guess it's normal. And, I totally understand why he wants to keep a hottie like you from everyone else. Girl, you are so lucky! No, wait, he is so lucky."

I laughed again. This day was going to pass very quickly with her company. 

"No, we've only just gotten married."

"Anna, Kiara, less talking more working," Garcia warned us.

"Yes, Chef," we said in unison.

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