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"Lock us in here."

"Excuse me?" I ask, taken aback.

"I'm going to go after Dana if I'm not locked somewhere. I can't control it. Lock us in and hide the key."

"Are you crazy? You need to learn how to control yourself!"

"Kiara, are you going to do it or not?"

"Why couldn't we lock ourselves in our room? We had a bathroom there. What if we need to go to the bathroom?" I asked.

"Really? The bedroom?" He asked, smirking as he reduced the distance between us.

"What?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

He leans over to my ear and whispers, "Do you know how much I've missed you? I was trying to control myself around you so hard that I let it all go with Dana."

"Wait a minute," I pushed him back, "That is not my fault. Why do I even have to be locked in with you? I could just lock you out from the outside."

He sighed as he looked out the window. Realization hit him. 

"Fuck! My sister is with that asshole with no protection. What am I doing here, I need to go." 

Before he could push me away, I turned around, locked the door, and quickly tucked the keys in my bra.

Damien watches in shock. 

"Kiara, I have to get my little sister. She's with that pathetic excuse of a human being. I changed my mind. We don't need to be locked in here. Give me back the key."

I scrunched my face, "Nope. No way. Not anymore. I gave you the chance to change your mind already. Too late now."

Damien smirked, "You think I can't get it from there?"

I gulped, "You...you can't touch me without my permission. We have rules."

 Damien sighed again and pulled back. I was no longer in his trap. I took a few steps to allow some safe-distance between us.

"Close your eyes," I said.


"I said close your eyes. I'm going to hide the key because I don't trust you right now."

Damien shook his head as he chuckled but reluctantly covered his eyes.

"No peeking!"

I scanned the room trying to find a hiding spot. It couldn't be between books since that was the most obvious place to start. Though, there were many books in the library, and I could throw him off by making him think I wouldn't just hide the key in the easier spot in the room. 

"Come on, Kiara."

"Relax. Can you give me a minute?" I snapped back, annoyed. Finding the perfect spot, I quickly and silently hid the key before sneaking my way next to him.

"Alright, mission accomplished."

"Not yet, what if I find it?"

"We're not playing treasure hunt, Damien."

"Is it still inside your bra?" Damien asked, pointing to my chest with his eyes.

"What?" I look down, "Hey! Stop that! No, it's not there anymore. I promise."

I raised my pinky finger.

Damien looked between my pinky finger and me, confused.

"Pinky promise?" I asked, hoping he knew what it was.

That Cliche WaitressNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ