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It was finally my break time. I was really enjoying it here so far. Sure it was tiring but it was a good distraction and I had met wonderful people. Anna and I didn't have the same break times, but I knew I could eat and check on Damien and Dina during this time to make it pass. I didn't really need to check on Damien, I guess, but I wanted to see Dina.

I gathered my stuff and headed up to Damien's office. I was surprised that I remembered the way even though I had only been here once before.

The secretary eyed me from the corner of her eyes, but she recognized who I was and didn't say anything. Being recognized was so foreign to me. It felt weird.

 I knocked on his door.

"Come in," I heard Damien's voice.

"Hey," I greeted softly.

"Hello." Damien kept his eyes glued on the computer in front of him.

"How's your day so far?" I asked, making small talk.


I nodded. He was friendly today. I stood there awkwardly as he continued his work.

Then, he sighed and looked up. 

"Anything I can help you with, Kiara?"

"Where's Dina?" I asked, with a bored expression. Why was he acting up out of nowhere? I wasn't even sure if he was acting up or if this was just how he was regularly. He changed around so quickly and often.

"Your friend is one lucky girl." Damien smiled.

"Of course. I know that. I mean, she has me." I smirked.

Damien's face went back to a bored expression, "My PA just gave me her maternity letter this morning. Dina will be taking over until she comes back." 

His phone made a ding noise, gaining his attention. He stiffened up.

My mouth made an o shape in shock. Wow, talk about luck. She deserved it all, though.

"Okay, thanks for that. Goodbye now." I turned around to walk out.

"Wait." Damien called out behind me. 

I turned back around but I was confused since his eyes were still on the computer. I know there was nothing wrong with my hearing and I was sure he was the one who spoke, but my eyes were deceiving me.

"What?" I asked.

"We have to get home immediately," he said as he shut down the computer and grabbed his jacket, still not making any eye-contact with me.

"But, I'm not done with my--"

"You are my wife. No one's going to reprimand you for not completing your shift."

"Exactly, Damien. I don't want it to seem like I'm above it all. And why are we going home right now? You were calm and collected a minute ago. Why the rush now?"

"Remember the rules. No questioning. I'll explain on the way. Tell Dina we're leaving."

I sighed and texted Dina that we had to leave right away due to an emergency. She texted me back asking if everything was okay, but I, of course, had no idea myself.

Damien held my hand and we made it to the elevator. I had a chance to glance at him and found his face riddled with worry.

"Is everything alright? Are you okay?" I asked. He squeezed my hand. The elevator opened and Dina was waiting for us by the entrance.

We hurried to the car and drove off right away.

"What happened?" Dina asked.

"My mom just informed me that Angelo is at our house, right now," Damien said with anger.

"What?!" I asked.

"Angelo as in Dana--"

"Yes." I interrupted before Damien lashed out at her from his anger.

We drove quietly. It was a fast ride. As soon as we arrived, Damien ran out and Dina and I followed him.

"Is he alright?" Dina asked me.

"Honestly, I have no idea. He's very sensitive over his sister and he gets really angry very quickly. Just be careful and cautious around him. And Dina?"


"I don't want him to see you." I meant Angelo. I don't know if he had learned about Dina as well but I wanted to keep him away from her for as long as possible. I didn't want her being used as leverage. She nodded, understanding, and said she'd be in her room, anyway. I blew her a kiss and we split our ways as I walked to the living room where Damien had headed.

"How dare you come to my family home?!" I heard Damien yell.

"I assume being the father of your niece or nephew makes me a part of this family." I heard a familiar voice.

"Luis?" I asked. His eyes, along with everyone else's, diverted to me.


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