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"How do you just forget where you hid the key, Kiara?" Damien asked in an annoyed voice as he shuffled through some books.

"Will you stop yelling at me? Jesus, I just can't remember. I placed it in...inside my shirt. I took it out, walked over here, " I retraced my steps, "I thought this was too easy of a spot, so then I moved on to your desk."

I sat in the chair as I shuffled through the drawers of the desk.

"Aw, is this you?" I asked as I came upon old pictures of the family.

"Focus, Kiara," Damien scolded as he snatched the pictures from my hands. 

"You're right, okay. And, then..." I got up and  paced around as my hands went up to ruffle through my hair, "Ugh, I can't remember!" 

Damien walks closer to me until he's behind me.

"Relax, okay?" He slowly raised my sweater a bit, resulting in a small gasp from me. His hands went inside my back pocket, and something slid out. I turned around to face him and saw the keys in his hands.

"Oh my God! That's right, I thought keeping it on me was the smartest idea and I realized my sweater would cover my back pocket. How did I not feel that? And how did you see that you pervert? Were you staring at my ass?"

"When you raised your arms your sweater lifted and I saw the shape of the key. And, yes, I was staring at your ass."

Woah. I had forgotten how blunt he was.

"Uh, let's just get out of here." I rushed to the door as Damien unlocked the door.

I let out a quick breath. I did not like being stuck somewhere for long, especially with a man that makes me constantly question myself.

We heard noises in the living room, and I looked at Damien, "Oh my God, you think Dana already told them? Come on!"

I grabbed his hand as we rushed to the living room.

"Where were you guys? We were looking all over for you." Dina asked as we entered the living room. 

I looked around the living room and saw Dana talking with her grandma, "We got locked in the library. I'll explain later. Did she tell you guys?" I asked. Dina nodded. I looked at Damien with excitement. Forgetting our locked hands, I dragged him with me as we approached Dana.

"Dana!! Does everyone know?" I asked, letting go of Damien's hand as I shook my fists with excitement.

"Everyone but you two, where have you been?" 

"Your brother wanted to be locked in the library to prevent himself from coming after you and of course he had to drag me into it. And... it took a while." I explained, eyeing Damien. 

Damien cleared his throat, "Dana, will you break the suspense because you're all Kiara has been talking about the whole day? She's very excited."

"Ugh, you are so sweet. Alright, well... I guess you've waited enough. I am...HAVING MY BABY GIRL!"

"AHH!!! CONGRATSS!!" I hugged her tightly. I can't believe I would technically be a short-term, fake aunt for a baby girl.

Damien also hugged and congratulated Dana. His hands slipped back around my waist.

"I have a feeling it won't be long till we get a second baby in this house." I heard Tyler remark as he suggestively wiggled his eyebrows towards Damien and me.

I shot him a dirty look. The last thing I need is this family expecting a baby from me. 

Ms. Mantini brought dessert to celebrate and congratulated Dana. 

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