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"What are you doing?" Dina asked behind me.

I pointed at the table with my head and rolled my eyes. You see, I was always scolded for not minding my own business, but being a former waitress myself, NO ONE CALLS US FUCKING "SERVANTS." WE WORK OUR ASSES OFF TRYING TO GET YOUR WHINING-ASS TO SHUT UP! SHOW SOME FUCKING RESPECT.


After congratulating myself, I walked up to the table, giving the woman a direct death stare.

"Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear these... problems you were having since you were so fucking loud. Look here, doll face, this man is trying to serve you. He is not a servant! You don't get to call him that. You want food? Well, good morning sunshine, this man right here will be the one bringing your food. You know what he could do to your food? He can get you poisoned without a second thought. He could serve you some shit so bad, that the taste would NEVER leave your taste buds. Has this even crossed your mind? And you know what the best part is, you can't even blame him? Because how would you know if he did it? I'm not saying he could fuck you up, but... I'm saying he could fuck you up. So, sit still and do us ALL a favor and keep that mouth of yours SHUT. Thank you."

"Who are you even?" The woman asked me, nuisance clear on her face.

"Would you believe me if I said I was Satan? Fucking retard, I'm not telling you who I am. How stupid do you think I am? Now, either shut up or kindly leave." I smile.

"THAT. IS. ENOUGH. BABE! WE'RE LEAVING!" The woman screamed.

"Thank God!" I squealed, watching her grab her purse and storming out of the restaurant.

I walk over to my table as an older woman thanks me and mouths, "Unbelievable." I smile at her and nod my head.

"Girl! I love you! I knew there was a reason I kept you around!" Dina hugged me, snorting.

"No shit, Sherlock! Who would cook for you, then?" I joke.

"It's not shit, Watson. It's food." She jokes back.

"Come on, let's leave this shitty place. Can't believe people actually pay this much for this food." I shake my head as Dina gulps down her drink, completely finishing every drop.

We pay and walk out. Seeing the paparazzi waiting for us, I quickly form an idea and smirk at Dina.

She knows.

"KIARA! DO YOU HAVE ANY INSIDE SCOOP FOR US?!" yells one reporter.

"Of cours--"

And, again, I was cut off.

That Cliche WaitressWhere stories live. Discover now