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"Kiara? I thought you and Damien went to sleep?" Tyler asked, noticing my appearance in the room.

"Nope. In fact, I have very important news for everyone. Everyone needs to know about this. I'm done with this game."

"Woah, you okay? What happened?"

"You guys don't know anything. You want to learn the truth? Well, here's the truth. Damien is ---"


"You! What are you doing--ah!" Suddenly, I felt a grip on my waist, and my feet weren't touching the ground anymore.

"Let me go right now."

"Baby, you're exaggerating it. Sorry, Tyler, Kiara just wanted to... she wanted to... to sleep on the right side of the bed! Yeah, and she made a big deal when I fell asleep there. Don't mind her. Goodnight."

"Hey, no! I have a lot of stuff to explain, let me go!" I hit his back and squirmed to get out of his grip.

We were back in the corridor maze. 

"Damien," I stopped squirming and looked up at him, "Let me go. I can walk by myself."

He gave me a look. 

I gulped, "Please."

He let me down gently and extended his hand. I sighed and rolled my eyes. How do I escape this hell? How is it possible to get so irritated by someone yet cannot handle leaving them?

That Cliche WaitressМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя