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"Um... what?"

"I mean... Well, I might've accidentally—-"

"Ma, what did you do?" Damien asked sternly.

"I told your aunt about Kiara and now she's coming here tonight to see your future wife."

"Ma! You told Aunt Lexi?!"

Oh no... NOT Aunt Lexi! Ahaha, I have no idea who she is but she couldn't be THAT bad...

"She's probably told the entire country of Spain and maybe even Portugal. Hell, I'm afraid it's too late for France already," Damien continued.

"You're acting like she's the living Black Plague or something," I laughed, this was ridiculous.

"Babe, she's worse than the Black Plague."

"So, I don't know about Spain, Portugal, or France, but she... well, she told your Grandmother. So, they'll both be here tonight."

No!!! That means we're here for another day. Which means I have to share Damien's room. Which means I have to meet and get along with more family members. Urggghh!


Damien left to get a few work-related things from home and get new clothes for me since I was living off of his t-shirts.

Meanwhile, I was enjoying my bath time. I've been in the jacuzzi for maybe over 30 minutes and although that might be a little exceeding, this was the most luxurious and comfortable jacuzzi I've ever been in, considering I've only been in one other jacuzzi. The two aren't even comparable. So, I might as well enjoy it, especially with Damien out of the way. 

Besides, I had nothing to wear. I had to wait until Damien came back to dress up. The other option was walking around with a robe the whole day, but I have a feeling that would not end well.

I put on my Airpods (which aren't even mine, I stole them from Dina) and turned on some music. Closing my eyes, I decided it was time to relax.

Rrrrringggg!!! RRrrrinnggg!!!

Funny how I thought I could have a minute to relax...

I looked at the caller I.D. 

"Kk...kkiara, I... I need you."

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