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We were married. Just like that. We walked out of the county clerk's office with a marriage certificate in our hands. All it took were a couple of signatures. 

We drove to my old apartment next. Damien dropped me off and went to work. The plan was to tell Dina everything and pack her stuff together. I would lie straight to my best friend's face, my only family. 

"KIARA! Goddamn, I've missed you. Come here," Dina exclaimed, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh my God, my baby. I've missed you more!" my voice cracked.

"You were gone for so long. Oh my Gosh, tell me all about... everything! Haha! How is it with Mr. Fancy Pants and his family?"

"Oh, where do I even begin, Dee." Dina flashed a cheeky grin.

"The beginning." 

"Well, uh, his family is... a bit hard to deal with. Not too bad though, I'll admit it... Dina, I have to tell you something."

"Are you pregnant?"


"Are you--"

"Dina, sit down. I'll explain everything." Dina cautiously took a seat, never leaving her gaze off me.

I continued, "I mean you already know we got engaged right away because his family is weird like that. I already told you about that part but. well, uh, yesterday...We... We got married."


Silence. I let a moment for her to digest it.

"There's more. Dina, I love Damien. Yeah, I realize we may have rushed it a bit but there's a reason. Dina... Damien's in trouble." I lied straight to her face. 

I began explaining everything about Dana and Angelo. Dina was in utter shock. 

Dina and I both had no family. We only had each other. We had traumatic childhoods but besides that our lives were pretty standard. Neither of us was used to this type of life-living in danger.

"Wow," Dina finally spoke, "So you're asking me to move into Damien's family house."


"One decision. You made a single decision that's changing our whole life."

"Are you mad at me?"

"Not at all. I understand. Let's start packing and I'll fill you in on Alex."

"Ooh, I like that idea."

We started packing and boxing everything at home to items we'd keep or donate. Damien said he'd cover the fees since we'd be out before our lease.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this," I apologized as we packed the last boxes. There was only so much we could take so it didn't take us long to separate things we wanted to keep and those that we didn't.

"Shut up. Besides, now I don't gotta pay for groceries, rent, utilities. I'm still jobless."

I laughed, "So, Alex screwed up again huh?" 

"That's it, Kiara. No more chances. And that's the last we speak of him. My priority is finding a job. After that, though... My doors will be wide open." Dina winked.

"You know what I always say, 'You're not over him until you can look dead into his eyes and feel nothing.'"

"Smartass. Did we empty the bathroom?"

"Yes, yes. I took care of it."

"Alright. I think we're done."

"Okay, let me call Damien so he can get people to clean up the rest. We still have to go to Damien's house to pack our stuff, too."

"You know what I've missed?" Dina asked as I dialed Damien's number.

"What?" I asked, lifting the phone to my face.

"Your cinnamon buns. Your french toast. Your cookings, in general. God, my mouth is watering just thinking about it."

"I promise I--"

"Hello?" Damien picked up the call.

"Hey, me and Dina are done here. We still have to go to your house to pack." I informed him.

"Okay, I'm done here. I'm leaving now, I'll be there in 10."

"See ya." I hung up.

Dina and I moved our stuff to the entrance. I briefly went over the people we'd be living with to Dina.

"Oh my Gosh, girl I'm not like you. If they tried to speak like that to me I'd probably just freeze."

"Don't worry, babygirl. I'll be with you. No one can speak like that to you as long as I'm here."

"Ooh, girl. You got me feeling some type of way."



Damien walked in on me and Dina flirting and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. 

Dina and I greeted him back.

"Is this all?" Damien asked, grabbing a few bags.

"Yes, and these boxes. If we each grab some we can make it in one trip."

"No, I got it."

"Damien, we can carry a few boxes. We're used to it. Relax. C'mon, Dee," I said, stacking the boxes and carrying a few.

All three of us placed the bags and boxes inside the back of the truck and drove to Damien's. 

I felt familiarity as we walked into Damien's house. Although my stay was short, I liked this house a lot. It had good and bad memories. It felt oddly good to be back. 

"Dina you can just relax in the living room and treat yourself to whatever in the kitchen. We'll be quick." I showed Dina the living room and kitchen. She's been here before so she has some knowledge of the layout of the house.

Damien grabbed my hand and we headed upstairs. He led me into his bedroom and closed the door behind us.

"Can you control your hormones, Damien. Goddamn. I have my own stuff to pack in my own room." I reminded him.

"What did you tell her?" he asked quietly, ignoring what I had just said.

I felt my cheeks warm up. I had embarrassed myself by assuming he led me here for something else.

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