Chapter 22: Telling Hobi the Truth

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"V and Taehyung are the same person."

Jimin said.

"Huh?" Hobi said, trying to make sure he wasn't tripping.

"Taehyung didn't commit suicide, that was just a cover, he's actually V." Jin said.

"W-wait? So that means, Jungtae is Jungkook's son?!" Hobi said shock.

Jimin sighs.

"Yes Hobi" Jimin said.

"But how did Taehyung ended up looking like that, where did his innocence and small figure go?" Hobi said.

"He hit puberty, plus the internet ruined his innocence." Jin said.

"So you just let him flirt with many men?" Hobi said alittle mad.

"Hey, how bout you try to talk him out of that, let's see if you can handle his attitude." Yoongi said, giving a glare to Hobi.

"We tried countless amount of time to make him stop, but everytime we do that, it'll start an argument. And it will always end with Taehyung screaming at us. How bout you blame your dumbass CEO, who left Taehyung just because of a stupid edited photo which till now he hasn't checked if it's verified." Namjoon said and turned back to check if Jungkook went out of the room, which fortunately hasn't.

"Look Hoseok, we told this to you because we trust you. Now if you're gonna ruin our trust and tell Jungkook about this, I suggest to leave this house and never show your face to us ever again." Jimin said.

"Hey hey, why would I tell Jungkook? I was just asking why he became flirtacious." Hobi said.

"Well right now Taehyung started a plan. The only reason why we accepted your guy's request for merging is because Tae wanted to have his revenge with Jungkook." Jin said.

"His plan was to make Jungkook fall for him, hurt him in the process, and when Jungkook's fully into him, he'll reveal his true identity and leave him." Jimin said.

"What?! Did he lost his mind or something?" Hobi said.

"What do you mean?" Yoongi said.

"Well from my point of view, Jungkook actually missed Tae, tho he didn't want to get back with Tae, one of his intentions merging with you guys was to have a closure between him and Tae. Plus I think it's too harsh to for Tae to hide his son's identity to Jungkook, then once he says that Jungtae is Jungkook's he'll take Jungtae away from him." Hobi said.

"Say what you want, but until Jungkook doesn't have the common sense of checking if the photo's verified then I don't think there's a reason to pity him. We get your point of view, but think about Tae's point of view. He left Tae basically without a reason." Jin said.

"He stalked Tae, threatened him, raped him, made Tae fall for him, then left him." Jin said.

"This revenge that he's doing is no where near what Jungkook has done to him." Jin said.

"Did you know that day when Jungkook left Tae, we were planning to surprise Kook because Tae was pregnant. That's why Tae was holding a box, with a cake inside and a note congratulating Jungkook for becoming a father. Good God we were the one who was actually surprised when we opened that door and saw Jungkook making out with a girl." Jimin said.

"At that second, Jungkook already destroyed their family, he already destroyed Tae. And V was the one who built Tae back up." Namjoon said.

Hoseok sighed.

"Ok, I'm sorry." Hobi said looking down.

"It's not your fault, we were just explaining our side." Jimin said going to Hobi and gently patting his back.

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