Chapter 12: The Photo💦

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Jungkook woke up and saw Taehyung still wrapped around him, he gently removed Tae's hands around him and went out. He saw everyone outside and told them he'll take Tae to his house, they all nodded and Jungkook went back to the room and gently lifted Tae and went outside to see their driver already there.

Taehyung was still in a deep slumber because he's tired so Jungkook successfully layed Taehyung to their bed. It was Sunday, this is the only day Jungkook has a day off, all his paper works are being handled by Hoseok.

Once he layed Tae on the bed, he layed beside him and cuddled again since it was still early.

~2 hours later~

Jungkook's P.O.V

I was sleeping peacefully when I felt my bed being shake alittle. I woke up and saw Taehyung trying to go out the door.

"Where are you going?" I said with a low voice since I just woke up.

He didn't replied and simply looked down. I got up and went to him.

"Hey~ remember what I told you? I don't care if he touched you, it's rape ok? It's none of your fault." He was tearing up. "Now pwease stop cwying, you're making daddy sad too." He giggled. "Is the coldest boss of the world doing aegyo infront of me?" He chuckled, I glared at him playfully. "Oh so you're gonna be like that huh?" I said and throwed him in the bed and started tickling him. "N-no *laughs* s-stop *laughs* d-daddy no *laughs* I won't *laughs* give you *laugh* kisses." I widen my eyes and stopped quickly. He sat up and laughs and I rolled my eyes playfully.

We continued our day and his hyungs and appa visited us today, Tae was scared at first but bonded after a few minutes of assuring him they aren't mad. It was night and they bid their goodbyes and Tae and I got ready to sleep.

We went inside and snuggled as always and drifted of to dreamland.



It was quiet around 8:00am when Jungkook burst into the room making Tae woke up and look up and saw Jungkook with a small table with food. (Jungkook took a day off)

"Breakfast in bed?" He said smiling.

Tae smiled and nodded, he then ate while Jungkook was beside him looking at his phone and glancing at Tae time to time. Once Tae was done he place the table at the ground and got pinned down, he look up to see Jungkook looking at him with a smirk.

"Now, can I get my breakfast in bed?" he said as he started kissing Tae, the kiss turned into a makeout session and after 3 minutes they pulled out.

"Delicious" He said with a smirk.

Tae blushed and smacked him and pushed him off.

"I'll just take a shower." Tae said and Jungkook nodded.

Tae entered the bathroom and started stripping, he turned the water to hot and started taking a shower. About 5 minutes later he heard the door opened and the next thing he knew was he's pinned to the wall his face facing the wall. He heard a dark whisper at his ear.

"Don't worry, I'll clean you since that bitch made you dirty."

With that Jungkook turned Tae and started sucking on his neck, Tae moaned since Jungkook memorized Tae and knows where all his Good spots are. Jungkook went down and started sucking on Tae's chest, he covered all of the hickeys the were made by Bogum with his own hickeys. All Jungkook could heard was Taehyung's sinful mons and it turned him on more.

"Wanna pleasure daddy?" Jungkook asked, Taehyung nodded before kneeling down and stroking Jungkook's length. Jungkook throwed his head back already weak from Taehyung's touch, he moaned when he felt Tae's mouth wrap around his head then slowly moving forward trying to reach the base. He was half way when he gagged and sent vibrations on Jungkook's dick which made him growled, he grabbed Taehyung's hair and started moving Tae's head deeper in his dick, alot of gags and tears, Taehyung reached the base and pulled out with both of them groaning. Jungkook pulled Tae up and whispered.


Tae obeyed and Jungkook caught him in his lower thigh and Tae wrapped his legs around Jungkook's waist. Jungkook slowly entered Tae, kissing him in the process to distract him. Tae moaned between the kiss as he felt a huge thing entering his hole. A minute later Jungkook was fully inside him, and Jungkook aligned himself to where he remembered Taehyung's prostate, Tae started to bounce and got shocked when he already felt his prostate getting hit. He moaned loud and throw his head back, he was bouncing but the pleasure was to much and he became weak. Jungkook took notice and gripped on Tae tight as he started pounding on him fast. Jungkook's growls and groans contrasting with Taehyung's moans were the only thing heard at the bathroom. Few more thrust and Taehyung was near so he tightened his walls which send Jungkook to his climax first, growling as he filled Taehyung. Taehyung came after he heard the growl.

And finally they both took a shower together normally. Or they may have went for a round two.

Anyways once they finally went out the bathroom they went for a round thr- yeah just kidding 😂😂

They got dressed and ate and watched movies together while cuddling.

~1 week later~

Still A/N P.O.V

It was a normal day at the office and Taehyung was at Jimin's room to discuss something.

Jungkook was working on a file when a person knocked

"Come in" Jungkook said.

The person went in and Jungkook looked at the person confuse.

"Who are you?"

Then Hobi came rushing in.

Jungkook's P.O.V

"Sorry Jungkook, he came and said he needs to speak to you, he said it's important." Hobi said. "Ok you may leave." I said to Hobi.

"Make it quick, I don't like wasting my time." I said coldly to the guy. "Well I'm Park Bogum's friend and he told me what happened between him and Tae was not rape." He said. I look at him confuse and alittle bit angry. "What are you tryin to say? That Taehyung willing gave in to that bitch?" I laughed. "The best you can do is leave now than framing something on my innocent boyfriend". "This picture says otherwise" He handed me a picture and my heart sank, it was a picture of them making out."

To Be Continued•

Votes are appreciated :)

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