Chapter 27: Sick?

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It's been four months since the incident where Taehyung talked back at his Hyungs.

Nothing changed, Tae was still locking himself in his room. His Hyung and Mr. Kim often visit Jungkook just to check on him.

One time they entered Jungkook's house and saw Jungkook dazing off and suddenly a tear fell from his face. They all caught on and Mr. Kim went to the ravenette who was still oblivious that they were there, he gave him a tight hug which pulled Jungkook out of his thoughts.

"I'm sorry for my son." Mr. Kim said.

Jungkook now realized what's happening as another tear fell from his face.

"It's ok, I deserve this." Jungkook said smiling sadly.

"Son, no you don't. Tae's going to far with this. Don't worry, I can feel it that you guys are destined. Wait until destiny starts working again and it'll pull you both back in." Mr. Kim said as he pulled back.

~Present Time~

Taehyung woke up alittle dizzy, he shrugged it off as he made his way into his bathroom and started taking a bath.

After taking a bath, he slowly makes his way downstairs. He wanted to cook for himself again but he seemed to be tired, he had no energy which confused him since he didn't leave the house for 3 days.

As much as his ego hated it, he quickly grabbed a plate and filled it with jaepchae which Jin cooked. Jin smiled at the sight and watched Tae walk out of the kitchen.

Taehyung went back up his room and ate there.

After a good 30 minutes of him eating and watching Youtube, he went downstairs to the kitchen & dining room (they're connected) and placed his plate at the sink and washed it, he turned to see his Hyung's and Appa staring at him but quickly glanced away and went back eating.

He grabbed a cup and made his way to the fridge to get himself water. He was about to drink the water when he felt nausea taking over him as he quickly ran to the sink and puked everything he ate half an hour ago.

The 5 (Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, Mr. Kim) darted their eyes at Taehyung the second they heard him frantically running and puking at the sink. They all stood up, worry creeping up their body as they went to Taehyung.

"Tae?" Jimin said as he placed his hand at the back of Tae, rubbing it.

Before they can say another word, Tae booked it out of there and went upstairs back to his room. He enters it and sighs.

"What the hell's happening to me?"

~1 Week Later~

A week passed by and this week was hell to Taehyung.

His dizziness got worse and it never left him this whole week.

This whole week he felt weak and tired and that's why he stopped cooking for himself and started eating Jin's foods again. The taste was delicious, but after a few minutes, he'll be puking it out. He was so close in breaking into tears as he doesn't know what's happening to him.

Not only that, he was overfilled with confusion this whole week. Everytime he'd watch a movie, no matter how much he focus and pays attention. He'll end up questioning the whole plot, what's the movie all about. He stopped watching movies in the middle of this week as it only made him more dizzy.

And after the incident of him puking in the sink, the next day he ran downstairs, slowly as he was still "tired". Once he reached the kitchen, he feels his breath shorten. Once he grabbed his food, Jin didn't fail to notice that the younger was panting. He tried to ask Taehyung but he simply walked away. This carried on for the rest of the week.

And lastly, the 3rd day of the week. He woke up feeling a pressure from his chest. At first he thought Jungtae layed on his chest but that doesn't make sense since Jungtae wasn't that heavy. He opened his eyes and see nothing ontop of him, yet he feels pressure. He shrugged it off again and carried with his day. An hour after he woke up, he felt pain overlapping with pressure in his chest. And all that carried on for the whole week.

His week was full of panting, puking, fatigue, dizzyness, chest pressure & pain, and weakness.

~Present Time~

It was 3pm and Jungtae was playing with his Uncles and Grandfather while they were at the living room, his other Uncles were watching a movie.

"Sweetie how about you bring your Plushies back to your room. You don't want them to get dirty right?" Jimin said.

"Okiee Hyung." Jungtae said as he grabbed his toys and skipped upstairs and entered his room.

The sight when he entered made him confuse.

"Eomma?" Jungtae said as he placed his plush at the shelves and went to his Eomma.

"Eomma?" Jungtae said again, this time poking Taehyung who was laying at the ground.

Jungtae shook Taehyung's body but still didn't get a response. He got up and went downstairs. Once he entered the living room, the first person he saw was Jin, he went to him and tugged his clothes. Jin looked down and saw two doe eyes looking at him.

"Yes dear?" Jin said lifting the boy and sitting him in his lap.

"Eomma is sleeping." Jungtae said making Jin confuse. His sentence got everyones attention and they darted their eyes towards the small boy.

"What do you mean?" Jin said.

"Eomma is sleeping but not in the bed. I tried waking him up but he didn't say anything." Jungtae said making the 5 worry.

"Baby stay here ok?" Jin said as he sat Jungtae at the couch and gave him toys to play with.

They all rushed upstairs and entered Taehyung's room instantly.

Their eyes looked down at Taehyung's fainted body, lying at the ground.


•To Be Continued•

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