Chapter 26: Breaking his Family

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After Tae locked himself for the wholeday. (Jungtae slept inside Jin and Namjoon's room)

Tomorrow was Sunday so they had no work.

Tae woke up early and decided to relieve his stress alittle so he dressed up and left the house, sneaking pass Jin who was cooking breakfast.

He went to his car and started driving. 20 minutes later and he parked outside an apartment building then he knocked on the door.


Once the door opened, Tae didn't waste anytime as he smashed his lips at the male infront of him.

"W-wait we can't c-continue this anymore V." the male said as he pulled back making the younger confuse.

"What do you mean Kai?" Tae said.

"Uhm well scratch my proposal yesterday, I kinda met a girl at the coffee shop. And we kinda like each other. Well I know you wouldn't like me anyways but I can't continue sleeping around with you if I'm meeting with a girl." Kai said.

"So you don't like my body anymore?" Tae said.

"No it's not like that, I love your body, it's literally perfect but this feels wrong." Kai said.

Tae smirks as he wrapped his arms around the older's neck.

"How bout this one last time, since I'll miss you inside me. Then I'll leave you alone." Tae said, and without waiting for the older's reply, he smashed his lips with the others, he smirked as he felt Kai's lips kissing back.

After 2 minutes they pulled back.

"Just one last time." Kai panted out.

After 30 minutes of their heated session, they both were lying beside each other trying to calm down.

After a minute, Tae stood up and dressed himself. After looking at the mirror and fixing himself, he looked back at the man laying at the bed looking back at him.

"Who's the lucky girl?" Tae said with a chuckle. Kai also chuckled and showed Tae a picture of the girl.

"Ohhhhh she is beautiful." Tae said.

"Yeah she is, her name is Jennie." (Scratch Jennie who was flirting with Jungkook at the bar, that girl's now a random slut at the bar. And Jennie here is an innocent and kind girl.)

"Well goodluck with her. And please don't wreck her, you always make my ass swole." Taehyung said as they both break into laughter. Tae bid his goodbye and left Kai's apartment.

When he entered his car, he sighed as he remember his problems again, he shrugged it off and just drove back to his house.

Another 20 minutes and he finally arrived and got inside to see a his Hyungs and Appa panicking.

"TAE! Were have you been?" Jimin said quickly embracing the younger.

"I thought you ran away." Jin said.

"I just went to blow off some stress."

(Yeah right you were blowing someone else)

They all sighed once again and finally Mr. Kim grabbed Tae who was about to go upstairs and dragged him to the dining room.

"You're eating." Mr. Kim said as he sat Tae at a chair.

Tae sighed as he started eating, not paying attention to his Hyungs chatting.

After finishing his foods, he went to the living room followed by everyone. Tae didn't mind as he was scrolling down his insta, until.

"Tae?" Jin said making the younger look up at him.

"You trust us right?" Jin said earning a nod from the younger.

"Well we were just thinking that maybe you can talk things out with Jungkook. We've noticed that he actually changed and he learned his lesson." Jimin said earning a scoff from the younger.

"And did he convinced you to say this to me?" Tae said but got a quick response to an angered Yoongi.

"Hey, what's so hard on giving a person a second chance." Yoongi said giving a glare to the younger.

The younger glared back and said.

"Who are you to tell me to give him a second chance when you never knew what it feels to be heart broken?" Taehyung said but flinched as he heard a person yell.

"TAE! We didn't helped you in your life to become heartless. We didn't support your life just so you can have your revenge on your ex." Jimin said with venom.

"A revenge plan that you agreed on?" Taehyung said giving venom back.

"We never agreed on that." Jimin said.

"But you never stopped me." Taehyung said.

"Cause we didn't knew you'd take it too far. Plus we saw Jungkook changed." Jimin said.

"God I missed the innocent Tae. The one who'd always greet us with hugs and smiles everytime we're home from work." Yoongi said.

"The one who'd take care of us everytime we're sick." Namjoon said.

"Well how bout you blame that on Jungkook since he's the one who made me this way." Taehyung said making Jin stand up from anger.

"TAE! What the hell happened to you? How ironic is it that Jungkook changed for the better while you changed for the worst." Jin said.

"I'm sorry for your Hyung and Appa but I wished I-i never even h-helped you." Jimin said and regretted it instantly as he saw a tear fell from the younger's eyes. Tae stood up and wiped his tear off and said.

"You know what? I wished you didn't, so I wouldn't be in this shithole right now." Taehyung said and quickly walked off and went upstairs to his room, locking it again and cuddled with his still asleep son.

~3 Months Later~

At this span, everything changed.

After Tae locked himself in his room, he'd never leave it only if he's hungry or work, and he always cooked for himself ignoring Jin's effort on making him food. Tae would also open it if Jungtae wanted to go out.

He never talked to anyone except Jungtae, he'd only talk to his hyungs if it was about a work.

For Jungkook, for the first month, he was depressed as he locked himself in his room, giving his company temporarily to Hoseok.

After the second month, he mustered up some courage as he decided to work again. He never entered Min's Co. ever again, Hobi was the only one who was still going inside Min's Co. Hobi was also updating Jimin, Yoongi, and Namjoon about Jungkook's state.

After Jungkook started working again. Everyone's fear of him faded as the ravenette's cold attitude was replaced by a sad and depressed one.

Many employee's realized he was depressed whenever they were talking to the CEO and the ravenette would always reply with a low sad voice, sometimes cracking. They also will caught the CEO dazing off whenever they entered his office. Many even caught the CEO crying when they entered his office.

After the third month, Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, and Mr. Kim visited the ravenette. They were first shutted down but after Hobi finally convinced him. Jungkook finally talked to the 5. After a few visits, the ravenette finally felt comfortable with them, he'd often crack a smile everytime they were chatting.

As bad as the 5 wanted to have Jungtae come with them, Taehyung never letted them left with Jungtae where ever they go.

The 5 visited Jungkook and Hobi 4 times a week. They also were updating Jungkook about Tae, and Jungkook couldn't help but feel bad that Tae changed because of him.

•To Be Continued•

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