Chapter 19: Hurting Mr. Jeon💦

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Jungkook started kissing V roughly which caught V off surprise seeing the ravenette being dominant again. He responds to the ravenettes kiss with the same roughness and both of them were eating each others face off.

Jungkook quickly got addicted at V's lips. The flavor was so addictive that Jungkook could kiss V all day. It was like ecstasy, the more Jungkook kept going, the more he got addicted.

Jungkook then felt arms wrapping around his neck which made him kiss the younger rougher. V moaned in the kiss because of the roughness sending vibrations on Jungkook's lips. Jungkook pulled back and growled when he felt the vibrations and heard the sinful moan come out of V.

"Jump." Jungkook said and V immediately jumped and Jungkook caught him by his ass and V wrapped his legs around the ravenette's waist. And they started roughly making out again.

Jungkook walked towards V's bed without breaking the kiss. He layed V down and started going down his neck, he started marking him and he tried to find V's sweet spot until he reach a certain part under the younger's ear which made V moan loudly.

Jungkook quickly thought "He has the same sweet spot as Taehyung?" But he shrugged it off and just focused on the beautiful moans he's hearing. He left a dark purple hickey at that spot and went down to mark V's chest and faint abs.

Jungkook was busy sucking at V's skin and he accidentally brushed his lips at V's nipples which made V moan loudly. Jungkook smirked as he realize that V has sensitive nips. He went up and started sucking on V's nips and all he can hear was V's moans.

After a while he pulled away and was shocked when V flipped him over and V was ontop of him. V slowly went down and looked at the ravenette's bulge. He smirked and pulled Jungkook's sweatpants and revealed the huge bulge stuck in the ravenette's underwear. V started palming it earning a moan from the older and soon V kissed Jungkook's member through the fabric until Jungkook was crying for V to blow him.

V had enough and pulled Jungkook's underwear and looked at the long thick lenght standing proud.

"It got bigger?!" V thought.

His mouth was drooling and his thoughts were interrupted when Jungkook smacked his member on V's face.

V glared at the man and Jungkook just chuckled. V held Kook's member then he started licking the tip making Jungkook growl from the tease. V smirked as he kept licking the tip and went around the member with his mouth open just to tease Jungkook. Jungkook had enough and shoved his member inside V's mouth and he let out a loud groan when he felt the warmth of V's mouth. V chuckled and started sucking and he would moan which sends vibrations towards Jungkook's dick, giving him more pleasure. As naughty as V was, he tried to reach the base but could only get 1/3 of it, Jungkook helped him push down, in other words deep throat. But yeah no, he couldn't reach the base.

And as the queen of tease, V slowly sucked up and down which made the ravenette impatient. V held both Jungkook's thigh down to prevent him thrusting in his mouth. Jungkook was close to crying when he moaned loudly as V went rapidly fast. His legs were shaking and he was about to release when V pulled out and held Jungkook's base tightly preventing the boy from cumming.

"P-please?" Jungkook panted out.

V licked the slit which made Jungkook moan the loudest his ever been and with that, V licked the slit again and let the boy release in his mouth. He swallowed it.

After a few minutes, they fixed themselves and head out and went downstairs meeting the 5

"Where's Appa and my baby?" V said.

"Your Appa took him out, you guys were too loud." Jimin said which made Jungkook blush and V chuckled.

After a few minutes, they bid their goodbyes and Hobi teased Jungkook in the car and Jungkook just chuckled.

Taehyung's P.O.V

"You idiot what happened, you were just suppose to tease him. But then we heard loud moans." Jin said.

"Well he got sick and tired of me teasing and he pulled the Dominant Jungkook again. But don't worry, I only gave him head. Plus I have a back up plan too."



Jungkook entered Min's Co. with a smile on his face, holding sunflowers and sweets in his hands. He entered the elevator and went out to find V's room.

He entered the room and his smile dropped.

"Mmmh" V moaned in the kiss between him and Kai.

They pulled away and Kai started kissing down V's neck. Both still oblivious that Jungkook's there, well atleast the one is, the other one was pretending.

"Want me to take you here babe?" Kai said as he looked at V and gave a quick peck.

V chuckled and grabbed Kai's neck and whispered seductively.

"Sure" V said as he bite his lips and then they finally noticed Jungkook.

"V-v?" Jungkook's voice cracked.

"You can go for now." V said to Kai.

Kai left but gave V a smack in the ass before leaving.

Jungkook still stood there, tears falling down his eyes. V sat down in his chair and looked at the ravenette.

"What are you doing here Mr. Jeon?" V said, raising one of his eyebrows.

"W-why were y-you kissing h-him?" Jungkook stuttered.

"And what's wrong with that?" V said.

"I-i th-thought we ha-had something." Jungkook said and he just earned a laugh from the younger.

"You took it seriously? I thought we were in the same boat here Mr. Jeon. I'm only doing this for benefits. Don't confuse lust with love. Now if you may excuse me, we were kinda in the middle of something, and you interrupted it." V said.

"B-but I got this f-for you." Jungkook said as he showed the sunflower and sweets.

"Better luck next time Mr. Jeon, cause you see, Kai already bought me that." V said pointing to his couch were there was sunflowers and sweets.

Jungkook sighed and went out of the door crying and he passed Jin, Jimin, Namjoon, and Yoongi but he didn't notice it.

The 3 didn't care but Jin kinda felt bad for the boy.

Kai went inside again and they both smirked and continue what they were doing. But V only gave him head.

To Be Continued•

Votes are appreciated :)

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