23 ≫ inflatable dinosaurs

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(Eliza's POV)

The next few weeks, Loki sort of moved into the compound. Peter and I liked to hang out with him a lot, because he had a lot of cool stories. For example, one time we were all hanging out on the couch and he was telling us about him and Mr. Stark's first time meeting.

"-and I said, I have an army," Loki said.

Mr. Stark yelled from the kitchen, "and I said, we have a hulk."

"and I've got a jAr oF diRrrrRRrT," I said.

"I have magic hair that glows when I sing," Peter said.

"I have the high ground."

"KENOBIII!!!!!!" Peter yelled, standing up on the couch.

"ANAKINNN!!!!!!!" I yelled, standing up with him.

I grabbed my blue lightsaber that I hid in the back of the couch, exactly for this reason. I smirked at him and he smirked back.

'Wait why is he smirking?' I thought.

He put his hand in the couch and grabbed a red lightsaber, and I gasped. Gosh dangit we had the same idea. I tripped backwards onto the floor and he stood above me, the saber pointed at my face.

"I have the high ground now," he said. He jumped down, both of his legs on either side of me, and squatted down. I gulped a little because he was basically on top of me. A smile crept up on his lips. Both of our heads turned when we heard someone chuckle.

(Tony's POV)

I watched as the Eliza and Peter pulled lightsabers out of the back of the couch, when or why they had put them there I had no clue. Eliza somehow ended up on the floor, and Peter sort of on top of her, staring at one another.

I chuckled, they were so in love with each other.

(Eliza's POV)

October 31st, Halloween 7:45 pm

Peter and I were at his apartment, he was messing with something at his desk, while I laid on the bed watching him move around, listening to some Frank Ocean.

"Hey, do you wanna go trick or treating?" I asked.

He turned in his chair, "Aren't we at the point where it isn't socially acceptable to go trick or treating anymore?"

I made a face. "That's stupid."

"I know. I've got our dinosaur costumes from a few years ago if you wanna put those on," he said. My eyes lit up eagerly. He got up from the desk, swiveling in his chair a bit, and went to his closet to look for our inflatable dinosaur costumes we had worn when we were thirteen on Halloween.

"Ahah!" His voice was a little muffled because his head was inside the closet. He stood up and grabbed the orange and black suits. I smiled and stood up to put it on. It was a little baggy, but then I turned on the tiny fan and it inflated itself.

We shuffled to the living room to have more room for moving around. The hands were really small, and looked kind of funny, so I hit him with one. He overdramatically gasped, and we started to sissy hit each other.

He laughed hysterically and I heard the front door open. Aunt May came in and saw both of us hitting each other with tiny little hands. We stopped and stayed silent, a bit embarrassed. 

She sighed and put her keys down, "I thought that now since you guys were teenagers and also superheroes, you would at least slightly more mature. But no, children. Both of you, oh my god," she mumbled.

𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔, peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now