10 ≫ damn daniel

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(3rd Person POV)

Anne sat on the bed next to Peter, silently stitching up Peter's wound, she was a lot better at it because this was her job. She had already had some suspicions of her daughter being Spiderwoman. Mostly because sometimes when they were having dinner, she would get up in the middle of their conversation and say she had 'homework' to do. But then Anne would go into Eliza's room and she wasn't there. Also whenever Spiderwoman would come up on the news, Eliza would visibly tense up. 

While Anne stitched up Peter's leg, May was yelling at him. He tried sinking away into his bed, but would get caught and have to sit back up again. When Anne was done with the stitches, she found Eliza's eye line. Eliza looked at her mom and gave her a small smile. Anne moved her head towards the door as a gesture to go back downstairs to their apartment.

They both stood up and Anne said, "Alright Peter, try not to get stabbed again please, but if you do, come straight to me. It's literally my job to do this kind of thing, and I don't want anything to get infected."

"Thank you," Peter said, "I'll try not to get stabbed again." May glared at him and Eliza tried not to laugh.

"Ok, we should get going. Eliza?" Anne said, leading the way to the door. She nodded and then looked down at what she was wearing.

"I-um. I'm still wearing my suit...I'll just go through the window?" Eliza said.

Anne looked towards the window confused but then she understood. She had forgotten that Peter and Eliza shared a fire escape, "Oh so that's how you guys have been doing this...ok, meet you downstairs."

May looked like she was about to start scolding Peter again, so the other two women quickly made their way out of his room. Eliza mouthed, 'good luck dude' to Peter. He nodded and sighed. Once Eliza and her mom got back to their apartment, Eliza changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and made her way to the living room where Anne was. 

"Alright I guess it's time for me to be a gOoD mOm now..." Anne started and Eliza let out a laugh, sitting next to her on the couch, "How long have you been doing this?"

"Um, about eight and a half months," Eliza said, looking away from her mom.

"Ok. Why didn't you tell me? This is so cool! And I could have told my could have told my co-workers that my daughter is a badass," Anne said, throwing her hands in the air.

A smile grew on Eliza's face, "First of all, I love you so much. Second, please please please do NOT tell anyone. It's kind of the point of the mask, that no one knows my identity."

"Ok fine. Also, as your mother, I'm really worried about you man, I mean you could die doing this..." Anne trailed off, then knocked a few times on the coffee table and Eliza gave her a questionable look. "I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious."

"Ok Michael Scott," they both laughed, "But on a more serious note, if I do die, which I won't," she said quickly to calm her mom's nerves, "it will be saving someone else's life, and that's why I'm doing this. When Uncle Ben died...Peter and I went out and caught the guy who did it. We decided that we could be doing something good with our powers, and it would be a waste not to."

Anne nodded slowly, "I understand," there was a moment of silence before she said, "By the way, how did you get your powers?"

"Uh...I was bitten by a radioactive spider," Eliza said, scratching the back of her neck.

"That's cool, random question..." Anne said, "Do you lay eggs?"

Eliza busted out laughing, "Oh my god- Ned asked the same thing. NO I DON'T LAY EGGS." 

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